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Newbie and how to get and use discount codes


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Newbie and how to get and use discount codes

Hi all ,

I have recently joined as a paid member and Hopefully work out how to do more posting soon 😀 I own a mk1 cabby and she's away getting a respray currently . Completely original and never been welded ! 1 woman owner previous and sat for ten years on a drive . Wheels have been diamond cut too. Pics will follow.

Can anyone please help me to get discounts with VW heritage ? Do I need to call them or can I add a code at checkout ?

Many thanks Neil  7BD4DBBB-21B6-43D2-BB0C-D7694E8ACA93.jpeg


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Newbie and how to get and use discount codes

Hi yes you need to create an account & they then apply your club discount code.. they are really helpful too..

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


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Hi Simon , 

Thank you for the help 😀
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