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Looking for a local GTi expert


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North London


I'm a new owner in North London and looking for someone to look over my 83 GTi and offer advice or help (Not a scrounge, I'm happy to pay my way). 

I'm after an independent second opinion on the old girl, how she runs, starts and stops etc. from someone who knows these cars specifically before I start on any work, and also someone that can tune the engine to the it's best with what it's got right now so that I can see what I'm working with.

Any suggestions greatly appreciated.



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How did you get on? Any success in finding a local and knowledgeable garage/mechanic for your Gti?


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Nothing as yet I'm afraid. I have a pretty good local garage that semi specialises in old VWs, but I'm after someone who knows the Mk1 inside and out so they can spot issues, identify any mods etc.
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