Golf 1.5 GLS
(In Topic #232249)
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how can I increase power tro?


Local Hero

I also did this on my 67 MG 1100 (1048 actually) with dual SU down drafts from the single 4 branch exhaust to a header I did see a better SOTP feel to the car.
I thought about doing a header on my 3500s Rover V8 but it was such a shoe horn affair, with the engine and I could well exceed most speed limits in it I I didn't bother.
What do Divorces, Great Coffee, and Car Electrics all have in common?
They all start with GOOD Grounds.
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They all start with GOOD Grounds.
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Local Hero

GonçaloRodrigues said
thanks for the reply! I did have that in mind but still theres something on a new carb that makes me smile ahaha any info u can provide in terms of carburetors?
I haven't worked on any carbs since my 89 Oldsmobile 98, and or 2 cycle lawn tools., and well I got rid of that in about 98, and I have switched over to battery power or electric lawn tools. Now Digifant, I am ok with.
What do Divorces, Great Coffee, and Car Electrics all have in common?
They all start with GOOD Grounds.
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They all start with GOOD Grounds.
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Settling In

Local Hero

For a 1.5 litre engine, there's 2 choices: spend a ton of money mixing and matching a bunch of stuff from bigger-engined cars; or just bite the bullet and fit a 1.8 carb from a Clipper. Because its high compression as well as 300cc more, it gives 90bhp.
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