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Annual Gathering Show and Shine Winners 2023


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Since 2008 Volkswagen UK have supported the Mk1 Golf Owners Club in numerous ways, not least loaning us their press cars at the Annual Gathering.

Providing the cars without charge and with a lot of trust the Club is VERY grateful of the support. The benefit to the members being that they can view the hatchback or cabriolet in original, unmodified condition providing a reference to owners who are restoring their cars.

Thank you from everyone at the Club.

2023 was a big year for the Mk1 Golf Cabriolet as it was 30 years since it ceased production. VW UK kindly provided their red Mk1 Golf Cabriolet and a rather nice new T-Roc Cabriolet R-Line.




This years Drive-Out took us to Broadway (not to be confused with Broadway Tower where we've been before!)
The route took us through some very English villages and countryside and when we reached our destination ice creams, drinks and shopping awaited members.

This year we counted up 40 Hatchbacks, 32 Cabriolet, 3 Caddy's, 1 Mk2 Golf and 1 Beetle.

Below are the winners of the various categories.

Winners of the fancy dress competition

Batman & Robin - Rufus & Robyn Martin bm7i9112.jpeg Adults
Adrian Tidberough - 'Rhino Guy'
Photo awaited

Winner of the children's colouring competition

Eoin Coffey

Childrens Colouring Competition winner Eoin Coffey.jpg

Winner of the adults colouring competition

Picture awaited

Member of the Year

Alan Keepence

Member of the Year Alan Keepence.jpg

Top 3 Standard

Justin Teece - Greencabby1 - J393BTN

Top 3 Standard Justin Treece.jpg

Adrian Tidberough -DriverDriver - A150YAB

Top 3 Standard Adrian Tidberough.jpg

Chris Hughes - Chris23 - A139OEG

Top 3 Standard Chris Hughes.jpg

Top 3 Modified

Joe Stanford - Joes - A358GNR

Top 3 Modified Joe Stanford.jpg

Antony Musskett - Anton_Cabby - G66LOW

Top 3 Modified Anthony Musskett.jpg

Dave Baker - GKS881Y

Top 3 Modified Dave Baker.jpg

Top 3 OEM+

Ben Grahamslaw - Benandemu - EYL16V

OEM+ Ben Grahamslaw.jpg

Joe Speight - Memorextape - YPA895Y

OEM+ Joe Speight.jpg

Richard Stringer - Beany - AES697N

OEM+ Richard Stringer.jpg

Pre / Post 1993

'Mo' - G331MCK

Pre - Post 1993 Mo.jpg

Best Daily Driver

Leroy Allen - LeeGTI - F564UNV

Best Daily Driver Leeroy Allen.jpg

Best Commercial

Iain Amos - BrednDeb - H15DSW (2nd year running, disqualified for next year!!!  :lol: :lol: :lol: Best Commercial Iain Amos.jpg

Best Paint

Rob Wolfe - Wolfcaddy89 - G713KYC

Best Paint Rob Wolfe.jpg

Best Interior

Andrea Keepence-Keyte - Andu Beagle - WJM754Y

Best Interior Andrea Keepence.jpg

Best Wheels

Adrain Daniels - Lhasadreams - NDM464Y

Best Wheels Adrian Daniels.jpg

The James Bowld Award fore Best Graphics

Dominic Jones - A393VYH

James Bowld Award for Best Graphics Dom Jones.jpg

The Walter Ainsworth Award for Best Engine

Gary French - GaryFrench1 - MUF32W

Best Engine Gary French.jpg

The Jeremy Hillock Award for Best GTI

Joe Speight - Memorextape - YPA895Y

Jeremy Hillock Award for Best GTI.jpg

Best Regional Display

Wales - Valley Dubs

Best Region Wales Valley Dubs.jpg


The Keith Keenan Award for Best Standard Hatchback

Jack Robinson - AFV747Y

This award is usually awarded to a GTI hatchback but such was the effort put into this car, turning it from a modified one back to standard spec (which Keith very much approved of!!), he thought that 16 year old Jack deserved the award this year. Well done Jack.

Keith Keenan Award Best Hatchback Jack Robinson.jpg

KK Award Jack Robinson.jpg

Peoples' Choice Award sponsored by Crazyquiff's

Dave Baker - GKS881Y

Peoples Choice Dave Baker.jpg

Best In Show

Tony Carini - TURBO - T18810

Best In Show Tony Carini.jpg

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