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petrol pickup issue, only when turning right LOL


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so the KR conversion is going well(ish) treated the car to full custom stainless exhaust and its all good, but…. everytime the fuel is low, about a 1/4 tank or less if you turn right (roundabouts) it misfires from starvation so the pick up isn't sitting in the fuel at low levels when it swishes across to the left hand side of the tank, any known solutions ??  its the original cabby tank and not a gti one ?


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This has come up a number of times. Some say it shouldn't happen with the anti swirl pot inside the tank but does occur to lots of owners. Keep tank atleast half full.  

1983 Mars Red 1.8 Golf GTI
1987 Alpine White 1.8 Clipper Cabriolet

The trouble with doing nothing is that you never know when you are finished.


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Yup as above. Has happened to quite a few owners :(


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since its a carby tank you will need a external swirl pot to prevent this from happening, I assume you already have a lifter pump to feed the main pump? if so fit the swirl pot between the lifter and main, doesnt have to be genuine cabrio/scirocco just needs to be a 4 outlet pot.

lowest feed on it goes to the lifter pump, the 2 highest feeds go to the return from engine and back to tank, middle feed goes to the main pump

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