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How have you positioned you boot solenoid?Help please.


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How have you positioned you boot solenoid?Help please.

This is how my solenoid in sitting and it does want to open the boot cause

it does'nt seem very powerful.Im going to get a different solenoid soon.

I just want to know where i could move it to see if it would work better.

Cheers any help would be great.


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Hi you did well to get that camera shot in there  :D

I would go to a local scrappy and remove a boot solenoid from something meaty . EG something with a heavy boot lid or hatch then simply bolt it on in a similar fashion . That old one looks as you say a bit weak . If you bolt it in the same place as one you take it from i would think you would be on to a winner .



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Sorted now,i just moved it and put a different spring in the lock. :wink:  :mrgreen:


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Would like to know how you have put wires into boot to power it fella, this is getting the better of me, it was easy in mk2, but with 2 little holes in boot it is prooving a little difficult  :wink:


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I never put the wires in myself,but there is one green wire from the switch to the solenoid and it has been put along the inside the trim and the up to the top of the boot then ran inside the tailgate.I think if you try a coat hanger on something simler to feed the wire in and the other wire is just a short piece of wire for the earth which i just rubbed back the paint and earthed it next to the solenoid.Hope that helps mate. :wink:
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