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cooling on throttle bodies ?


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cooling on throttle bodies ?

Alright guys, got the engine as per my sig but my cooling is just crap !

due to the throttle bodies in the engine bay I was recomended a vauxhall rad but it just doesn't work properly. the water seems to enter the rad, then pump straight out the overflow into the header without really going through the rad itself.

Anyone know where I can get one to do a good job ? preferably a top fill or does anyone know of anybody selling a rad that would work with my engine ?

cheers for any advice or help.




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Are you sure you've got the pipes connected the right way round (i.e. inlet at the bottom, outlet at the top on the opposite end)?

Sounds like it's been plumbed in wrong, rather than not working as it should.

A couple of pics may help us diagnose the problem though ;)




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a nova gte one works  fine :)
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