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ouch :'( :'( :'( poor golf...


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ouch :'( :'( :'( poor golf...

i have come to the conclusion after getting pissy at the aviva bloke…

im gonna get what i can then re-shell my golf i think..

itll give me time to do a full respray and stuff then just move everything over in a couple of days..

itll be the most cost effective, just gotta find a good shell lol…

booze and boredom, the greatest mix :)


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mixerman said

they just offered £500 quid for it.. STUFF THAT!

Was the £500 offer including you keeping the car? If not, you won't even get that if you want it back for the bits…

You want to be careful as if they proper write it off (too badly damaged - not to be repaired), they might not let you have it back at all!


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It used to be that insurers valued a write off at 10% of pre-accident value. Ie if their settlement is £1500 then it would be worth £150. They're not obliged to offer it back, but obviously it makes sense since they're normally cubed, and transport/disposal costs etc normally means it has negative value to them.

More recently, I've heard stories of insurers getting a bit greedy and wanting 15-20% of the pre-accident value.



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im lucky then lol they want 8% its a cat b so i can't drive it again… But if i get a shell then ill do a transplant :p thets the plan any way lol

booze and boredom, the greatest mix :)


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mixerman said

im lucky then lol they want 8% its a cat b so i can't drive it again… But if i get a shell then ill do a transplant :p thets the plan any way lol

Have they said 8% or what's the figure in £?



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yeah they said 8% i got pissy with him by that point… Tellin him you couldn't find a bare shell for that much :(

im not normally one to get annoyed but hey… They are bein stupid.
my independent asessor says he can get me 1500 easy.. So im goin wid him on this one. Lol

booze and boredom, the greatest mix :)


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That doesn't make sense, if you're going to negotiate on buying your old car back, it would be for the lowest possible amount (or percentage). Pre-accident value, ie the value of your car, is a different matter…..



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Just catching up on this site.. just read your thread, gutted for you and feel you pain. i had a similar bash to you!!!!!.. very similar…

See my project page with the link in my sig…. dont know whats yours is like under the bonnet but mine was pretty bad. its fixed now though


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crikey mixer did you say the car had been damaged and not a wheel nut, they wont the earth when insuring peoples cars m8 but are not prepared to pay more then a few quid back


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as far as i can understand, avivas assessor has offered me £500 settlement and written the car off.
then he said we will take 8% of the £500.00 so you can keep the car as its worth nothing to them.

now if my assessor can get me £1500.00 settlement then they will still take 8% of the £1500.00 for me to keep it.


iv read your thread a few times :P its a shame they are actually calling it a cat 'b' or i would of done the same.

i just want enough money to buy a shell and have a few quid left over for me to get it all sorted.

lucky i can do most of the work myself :P

booze and boredom, the greatest mix :)


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as far as i can understand, avivas assessor has offered me £500 settlement and written the car off.
then he said we will take 8% of the £500.00 so you can keep the car as its worth nothing to them.

now if my assessor can get me £1500.00 settlement then they will still take 8% of the £1500.00 for me to keep it.


iv read your thread a few times :P its a shame they are actually calling it a cat 'b' or i would of done the same.

by the way… your link just goes to the home page :P

i just want enough money to buy a shell and have a few quid left over for me to get it all sorted.

lucky i can do most of the work myself :P


i know, there not the nicest of people.. probably shouldn't get pissy with aviva's assessor but still… he aint got a f**king clue!

booze and boredom, the greatest mix :)


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just thought i'd log on while i got 5 mins, jamie your not gonna be the 1st or last person to get pissy with them, they probly know deep down what there offering is a cop out but they have there own guide lines they got to try and stick to,

if a old codger owned it from new and had no intrest in the car 500 would probly suit them but to someone with passion to them and really wont one the value is totaly different


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yeah very true :)

booze and boredom, the greatest mix :)


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how certain is the assesor that he can get you more money and as its an inderpent bloke who pays his fees


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he sounded extremely confidant lol.

ill pay his fees :) its not alot tho, due to him being a mate of a mate.

lucky really. thanks to this forum and the wonderful people on it :)

booze and boredom, the greatest mix :)


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how much the fees, no win no fee etc, i really must log off sitting here bored and you just don't know when your gonna get called in lol


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well i wouldnt like to say about fees at the mo lol.. cos its dead cheap :P

what you up to then? getting called in? lol

booze and boredom, the greatest mix :)


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what i said in pm in last night


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ooohhhh sorry i read that last night and i was wrecked…

im never drinking red wine again!

good luck man :)

booze and boredom, the greatest mix :)


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nothing wrong with a bottle off red m8,

its a bloody joke here really is fed up already 2hrs off my life not wasted but i wish it was something else i was doing right gonna log off otherwise when i get called in i might just start talking about mk1's lol
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