Getting in early for next years calendar...
(In Topic #109564)
Settling In

Getting in early for next years calendar...

Worth a try…

Lick my Decals off baby!

Old Timer

Was having a poke around your site the other day, I was thinking of ordering some prints from you at some point 8)
Just out of interest, has anyone from the Cooncil been in touch with you recently??
Settling In

Cheers Mat, aye the site's going well - lot of positive interest which is always good.tyeness said
Great shot as always fella!
Was having a poke around your site the other day, I was thinking of ordering some prints from you at some point 8)
Just out of interest, has anyone from the Cooncil been in touch with you recently??
Nothing from the Council - should there be? Can't imagine too many of my shots making the tourist information brochures!

Lick my Decals off baby!
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