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anyone help me with my front seat situation?


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plastic clips are baffuling me

I know there are the two plastic clips that clip onto the rear of the seat that go inside the runner but it still rocks and moves, ive got a clip that is meant to go on the front but i cant seem to see where it goes 

Anyone know? 

If someone has any pics or summat that be such a help 

Thanks dan

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does the clip look like this?

if so it fits over/between the gap of the front fixing point where the slider handle goes through and locks the seat in place, i'm pretty sure it only fits one way as there should be a little tab on the side which holds it in place, sorry have no pics so i hope that makes sense.

are your two rear clips old and worn? new ones might make the seats rock less and be a tighter fit when inside the rails, i know i need new clips as my seats rock like a ***** and i think one on the passenger seat is missing too :lol:

hope that helps

'83 formel e


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Ive seen pics of that one mate but thats not yhe one i have, theres another one that i bought but im unsre if i bought the wrong one, i think i might get one of them and see if that does the trick

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ahh right i'm not too sure then, my seats have just got the two rear plastic clips and that one above on the front fixing point, maybe i'm missing one somewhere too  O_o
you got a pic of it?

'83 formel e


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Type in seat runner clip on google n on.the images it should be on there mate, but what mk1 u got? Ive got a series 2 tintop, not sure if that makes any difference

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right, the plastic clips go on the rear of the seats, there should be a rubber one with a curve on it that goes on the car where the runner goes through

mk1 golf seat runner - Google Search

the clip things
mk1 golf seat runner - Google Search




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I had the same problem a while back - here:

The mystery bit you have is for cabbys, and you need the part in ned-h's pic and you'll be sorted  :thumbs:

Mk 1 Helios Campaign, 2.0 16v G60

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Ive got that part and tried fitting it and it was a right mission to get into the hole, but now its on im struggling to get the seat on, it seams liie with the plastic clip in place it makes no room for the seat to slide on :/

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maybe take some photos and stick them up, might help a little? mines a s2 tintop too, i'll go get a photo of the seat fixing if that helps, the front clip should only go one way round and fixes in with a little tab

'83 formel e


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couple photos of my front fixing/clip if that helps at all?

'83 formel e


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Can u see how that clip is held in place buddy? That looks like a different clip than i have

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yeah sorry i should have taken some better photos  :ocf_emoticons__BangHead: but the clip just slides/sits over the metal part, mines just like the one in the photo i posted originally, the pointy tab bit at the bottom of it sits into the small hole you can see directly under the locking pin on the bottom photo above. and the round hole in the clip is for the locking pin to go through, sorry if i'm not making any sense :lol:and the seat will hold the clip in place when it is fitted and moved along*

Last edit: by ned_h

'83 formel e


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Everywhere i look ses that the clip u have is for an early mk 1 and the one i got is a series 2 one :/ 

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ahh right hmm O_o  mine fits in fine though, you got any pics of the one you have?  :S

'83 formel e


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have you seen the link tidymike posted above, there's two different types that fit there, if the one you have is like this:$T2eC16N,!zUE9s389y3-BRQctE5W(!~~60_35.JPG?set_id=8800005007

and it doesn't fit, then i suggest getting some like the ones i have and trying those instead, may do the job  :thumbs:

but this one above just sits over the metal part in pretty much the same way with the curved part going down inside above the locking pin and the other part sitting on top for the centre seat rail to slide on top

'83 formel e


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Go to crazy quiffs website look up interior and then ull see the 2 different types, i have the second set obv :/

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ahh yeah i see, maybe i've got the wrong one's on mine then :/ but it had the original seats in when i bought the car so i'm a bit baffled :lol:

if the ones you have aren't working then maybe try getting the s1 ones and see if they work  :ocf_emoticons__dontknow:

'83 formel e


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Yeah, i might try that n see wat happens

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you need this one fella

If you look in your first pic you can see how it sits 'upside down' with the base of the triangle uppermost.

I got a bit confused on the early/late description meaning S1/S2 tintop but I guess it means pre-1983 as early rather than later cabby up to 1994.

Mk 1 Helios Campaign, 2.0 16v G60

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Just to let u.know.i bought the other clip and it works perfect :) no wobbly seat anymore :) thanks guys

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