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MK1 Golf GLS (ABH 208X)


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MK1 Golf GLS (ABH 208X)

I don't know if anyone can remember an ITV Drama that was aired in 1991/1992 called Chimera, which was about a secret fertility clinic that was creating a Human cross Animal (Chimera). Anyway, one of the scientists decides to assist the beast evading capture and owns the said mentioned Golf. You can see it in action between 1:20 > 6:20.

Incidently, this is where my affection for the humble VW Golf began, at the tender age of 11  :D


Volkswagen Golf LS (1981 X)   Austin Morris Mini HL (1981 X)  Honda Civic Type S CTDi (2009 59)   Mercedes-Benz 208D F & D Motorhome (1990 G)  Audi A2 SE (2001 X) Banner


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Unfortunately at the beginning of this clip earlier on in the film, the poor Golf has a little scuffle  :(

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Volkswagen Golf LS (1981 X)   Austin Morris Mini HL (1981 X)  Honda Civic Type S CTDi (2009 59)   Mercedes-Benz 208D F & D Motorhome (1990 G)  Audi A2 SE (2001 X) Banner
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