How-To Vacuum Setup for 1.5, 1.6 & 1.8 With Weber Carb
(In Topic #108691)

Local Hero

How-To Vacuum Setup for 1.5, 1.6 & 1.8 With Weber Carb
Only parts you need to pay for are a Y-Piece adaptor and 1 metre of vacuum piping ?2 tops so cheap and easy.
I don't need to type much info as pictures are self explanatory.
But this is to cure any air leak issues before attempting to solve any other problems you have as regards running issues.
You also if not already might aswell replace the carburettor flange which the carb sits on and bolts down via 3 hex headed screws as these are very common to rip and tear causing airleaks, look at pic and shows you where to look for damage.
On 1.5 block, the carb flange is of an O ring type and very rarely comes to any damage has it is not rubber

Now you have a weber fitted you no longer need the Green ball / sphere (Located in engine bay on drivers side) which is part of the vacuum process with the original solex 1B3 (1.5) & Pierburg 2E2 (1.6 & 1.8 also on Mk2 golfs)

Ok now cut to size some vacuum piping enough so you have good lengths so no stress on bends, connect to y-piece adaptor and follow my pics, job done
Pete :wink:

Also if you suffered from snapping one of the pipes on the servo pipe, don't worry, get another y-piece adaptor and connect both the pipe going to dizzy and the pipe going to right side of adaptor at rear of carb and connect them together as in pic, this is my friends 1.5 and i did this so he did not have to buy a servo pipe, works excactly the same

Another sticky if possible mods, Thank you
Old Timer

This has been asked so many times !!

Web Team

Settling In

Sorry if this is a silly question but what is the diameter of vacuum piping I need for the weber as there's loads on eBay etc with different diameters and I don't want to fit the wrong size :dontknow:

Local Hero

Pete :wink:
Settling In


Local Hero


Local Hero

Pete :wink:

Settled In

This may have saved my bacon!!
Just been looking at the pictures and done a check of my set-up
My problem is - Car starts fine, and revs freely whilst on drive. When i go for a drive, it drives fine, pulls well, then suddenly dies (doesn't stall) and won't hold revs, when under load (trying to drive)
It coughs and splutters, if i hold my foot down it just kangaroos up the road, hardly moving…..
If i pull over and wit, it clears for a while then starts again……if i crawl around and drive very carefully it seems to be ok…
I have checked your pictures against mine, and it seems i have a strange vacuum arrangement.
It looks like i have a Piersburg Carb…..although I can't see any GREEN ball!?!?!
Would these differences cause my problem…
- Vacuum pipe from top of airbox, to end of airbox arm missing
- I have only a single vacuum pipe from back of carb to top of airbox
- Servo vac pipe (piece which has two outputs) - left output goes to distributor
- Servo vac pipe (piece which has two outputs) - right output blocked off with a screw!
Please, please let me know what you think….i plan to make the appropriate changes to match your set-up (is this right - with a Piersberg Carb?)
Do i need the y-connector at the back of my carb, and a feed from both the air-box and the Servo?
Would love some help!

Local Hero


Settled In

Looks like i have a webber??? How can i tell?
I don't have a green bottle!?! Does this mean i don't have a Piersburg?
I only have one Vac pipe going to the back of the carb (to the top of the airbox)
Looks like i have losts of fiddling to do (including my bodged fuel pipes!!!)
Hopefully it will make a difference…..I'mactually surprised the car actually starts!!!!

Local Hero

Show me pics of your carb and other things i have mentioned in other post of yours so i can determine what is what, will make easier for me to give advice.
Post pics in your other post
Pete :wink:

Settled In


Settled In

My Vapour separator has been made totally redundant…..what effect will this have??

Local Hero

No separator, basically any rust or crap not held in in-line fuel filter will now happily travel directly into your carb & clog up your jets
Pete :wink:

Settled In
Settled In

Mine runs and revs perffick but doesnt have the carb pipe connected to the airbox??
Should it?? What does it do?
Jon`s Dad
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