help !!! i have a couple of issues with my golf!!!
(In Topic #208228)


so i'm i trained mechanic and I've done everything apart from stripping it i know there's a noise coming from my intermediate shaft! i cant find anything else where the noise would could come from so I've took the auxs belt of to rule out a noise bearing on the wp an alternator. noise is still there took vac pump out and started up noise is still there so its not the oil pump ratteling around' also checked the timing out and it all lines up spot on even changed the belt + tension with a genuine vag belt and tensioner so I've read up that there are bearings in the block which can be changed has anyone ever changed them or had a similar problem!
i never had a mk1 as early as 79 when i pull the washers on the jets go but not the wipers and theres only 2 speeds on the wipers reasonably fast and fast its like it dosn't have a slower speed but dose only have to notches on the stalk just a curious. one last thing did they make a 4 speed heater fan switch as its blowing a fuse every time i go on to speed 3 and as soon as i put a fuse in the fan is already going resistors is fine motor is free as spins great no wires rubbed through or shorting out strpped the switch a lit tle bit coroded cleaned up still doing the same but notice it had 1234 in roman numerals so im guessing its a 4 speed fan switch not a 3 speed any help is great im used ti my air cooled dubs


Local Hero

It is possible to get a 4spd switch for a 3 speed.
and I suppose any kind of wiring would be an issue.
Depending on what your blower fan looks like, Round cage in the Rain tray, or a flat air feed on the left to a complete covered fan, that is the 3 vs 4 speed.
The Belt tensioner if too tight or worn can make noise, and it an appear to come from the Intermediate shaft.
non a/c motor

A/c Equipped

The wiring for each is at the back of the Bentley for the A/C equipped and in the "normal" for non ac. I suspect that the 3 speed resistor has 2 or 3 wires for the Resistor, where as the 4 speed has 4, the fourth speed is controlled by the a/c relay.
So if you have a 4 speed switch in a 3speed, then the switch could be shorting it out to ground in the 4th position, and I would think of using a DVOM to verify.
The 4th speed on a a/c equipped bypasses the resistor and via the relay applies 12V direct to the motor.
The wipers is probably the Switch or Wiper relay issue.
The switch for the wipers is

and it should be enabling the relay to cycle on low speed or intermittant for a duration, so you might want to test the relay or at least open it up and look for cold solder joints.
or possibly install a new one.
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