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Oil Light


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Hi guys,
Im sure this has probably been covered no end of times but i can seem to find any answers to my exact problem..

My oil light is dimly lit when drive and shine's really bright when i accelerate its never 100% off

I have checked the level of a number of times and it seems i have plenty.

The engine is  1.8 carb auto

Thanks is advance


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Mine on dim all time
Goes bright when put lights on
But mine it's the cluster what's broke
Why I put Vdo gauges in so I know what it's doing as a gauge better than light anyway if you light come on when driven damage allready done with gauge can see before that point


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You can buy cheap oil pressure tester
Or just buy cheap gauge set buy all 3 with senders off eBay about £15  easy to wire up


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Could be a sign that your earths are flaky.

Engine/Tranny to Main Frame, then Battery Negative to Frame.

Also the clusters have pin 2 (brown) to a Star connector on the inside firewall that is know to get tarnished or corroded.  So I advocate adding a new earthing point for that wire to behind the cluster to Frame.

It could also be that your 10V stabilizer is going out, but that too is an easy test that is outlined in the Bentley.

On my older Golf Diesel I would see a glow when my oil level was about 1 quart low on oil.

Lastly, the oil pressure senders have been known to get wonky and need replacing.

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Thanks guys I'm going to have a play about this weekend.
I will let you know how i get on.
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