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Help with a new carburetor electrical connections


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I am thinking about getting this carb off Aliexpress, I know it is not original, but I am on a tight budget and this car would be used only once a month for a drive…

I saw that this carb has 2 connectors. One with 2 pins and the other with 3 pins. Can you suggest what I should connect to each? +/- etc? Total of 5 wires so I am lost a bit… it has no instructions :( will appreciate the help.

Thanks Screenshot_20220806-140026_AliExpress.jpg Screenshot_20220806-140016_AliExpress.jpg Screenshot_20220806-140021_AliExpress.jpg Screenshot_20220806-133348_AliExpress.jpg Screenshot_20220806-135939_AliExpress.jpg Screenshot_20220806-140003_AliExpress.jpg Screenshot_20220806-140010_AliExpress.jpg
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