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Dash knee trim


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Has anyone got the trim that goes where your knees sit just under the large section of dash across the metal bit? I've taken mine off and it's ruined but would like to put one back on.

If anyone's got one as in and is in the vicinity of Sheffield I'll gladly discuss picking up in advance of my wedding next week so that the interior looks nicer than just a horrible grass coloured bar of metal.

Thanks to chortle and Briano1234 so far as they have definitely pulled me from the brink of a non starting wedding lol


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Are you talking about the early Golfs or the later Cabriolets, as the Cabby's are a vinyl covered cardboard that screws on to the rebar behind it.  

I can't help you other than to say good luck in scouring the interweb sites as in ebay, and such for a second hand one.  I have a complete kneebar cover with brace for a LHD car….I have debated as to swapping mine out a time or three….(have to figure out where I want the power switches for the windows.

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They all start with GOOD Grounds.

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I need the bit you have lol ;)
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