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Automatic Speedo cable


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Hi folks, looking for advice from anyone with an automatic. The car is a 1.8 carburettor engine with auto box 1989. Looking for a new Speedo cable, part 172957803N which are like hens teeth. I can get a Mk2 cable, part 192957803c which looks the same but is 400mm longer. Has anyone fitted this cable? Was it the Same, just longer? Any issues?Cheers Steve.


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It should fit, and what with yours being RHD it may work better.

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Thanks Brian, I was hoping someone on here had already fitted one. The two cables look the same at the ends but it's hard to tell off a photo. The extra length doesn't bother me, as you said it would probably fit better as I could route it in a better location.


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Steve1973 said

Hi folks, looking for advice from anyone with an automatic. The car is a 1.8 carburettor engine with auto box 1989. Looking for a new Speedo cable, part 172957803N which are like hens teeth. I can get a Mk2 cable, part 192957803c which looks the same but is 400mm longer. Has anyone fitted this cable? Was it the Same, just longer? Any issues?Cheers Steve.

Hi Steve
I've had the same issue with my mk1 auto and have used the 1600mm long mk2 cable which is identical but just longer..routes fine but ive brought it over the top of the air cleaner…yet to test but i think it shoud be fine..can post some photos if that helps?…got it from vw heritage


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Hey Boffin, Thanks for the reply. That's exactly the information I was looking for Thanks. I went down another route that didn't work out. I used a company called speedy cables (which I would not recommend). They made it completely wrong and was a £40 mistake. I will look into getting the Mk2 cable as I originally was going to do. Thanks again, Steve.


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Steve1973 said

Hey Boffin, Thanks for the reply. That's exactly the information I was looking for Thanks. I went down another route that didn't work out. I used a company called speedy cables (which I would not recommend). They made it completely wrong and was a £40 mistake. I will look into getting the Mk2 cable as I originally was going to do. Thanks again, Steve.

Hey Steve

no problem, would the vw heritage part number and some photos help?

BTW..the reason i changed mine was the previous owner had snapped the securing clip off the plastic at the speedo end and it wouldn't stay on!


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As long as you are not putting yourself out, photos and part number would be nice. Thanks again.


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Some 80's over here in the US of A had a 2 piece speedo cable that was tied in to a o2 counter box.  So you had a screw on cable from the tranny to the o2 counter box, then a screw on from the o2 box to a clip on for the speedo.

Most folks over here just used the 90's single cable that screwed on at the tranny and clipped on the back of the speedo.

I know that my speedo LHD cable over wrapped the brake res cap, and any time that I looked at it funny, or moved it ever so gently to clear the brake res cap the thing would disconnect from the rear of the speedo housing.

Screen Shot 2021-06-17 at 9.33.35 AM.png

Screen Shot 2021-06-17 at 9.32.19 AM.png

What do Divorces, Great Coffee, and Car Electrics all have in common?

They all start with GOOD Grounds.

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Steve1973 said

As long as you are not putting yourself out, photos and part number would be nice. Thanks again.

No probs, will drop some on later when back..heres the VW heritage link for the cable i used;


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Here are the pics,
Note that the last one shows the cable going between heater pipes..thats how the original one was routed..not sure if thats correct!

IMG_9856.JPG IMG_9858.JPG IMG_9859.JPG IMG_9863.JPG IMG_9864.JPG IMG_9866.JPG IMG_9867.JPG


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Thank you all for the replies and information.  Thank you Adam for the photos they are very helpful. Thanks to Brian for your knowledge. I think I can confidently buy that Mk2 cable and know it will fit 😀


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Steve1973 said

Thank you all for the replies and information.  Thank you Adam for the photos they are very helpful. Thanks to Brian for your knowledge. I think I can confidently buy that Mk2 cable and know it will fit 😀

Thanks Steve!

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