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Why the site has been down, how you may help!!

mAtt- said

x3 for one of those stickers !!

i have one of those stickers in my audi :wink:

1983(Y) VW GOLF GTi



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Think more prominent advertising of membership is the way forward and should be on the homepage and maybe clickable "have you joined?" links dotted about the site with a link to the ebay shop maybe?  

Don't think the "i've made enough posts to pay for my membership" point really holds water because if everyone did this there would be no board to post on..

quite happy to pay 15/20 quid for the fact that this forum continues.



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OK the committee. have decided there will be NO increase in the membership fees but if we find in the future the club is strugging financialy then this would have to reviewed.
We now have a donate facility so if you feel you would like to contribute mote than just your membership fee then please do so. :D
Thanks for all posts on this thread there have been some good suggestions and intresting points made and I'm glad it was all done with some good humor at times and  with the future and survival  of the club foremost in mind

Dont ask what your club can do for you, but what can you do for your club?


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Only really just seen this thread, read up to page 6 and then couldn't be bothered reading the rest!

Id like to sum up how I think the club can earn a little extra.

1. There needs to be more advertising of the membership, its quite obscure.

2. The Merchandise shop needs to be opened quick smart, we need to be selling stickers, tshirts, key rings and mugs properly as I think the ebay system is poor (and obscure to us users too)

3. We need to look at reducing the cost of the AGM, £6000 for what is essentially a field for a weekend with facilities is poor value (IMO).  Prehaps the club should look at sharing the AGM with other clubs that look after cars of the same era, this would make the AGM more attractive and reduce costs.  I don't know if there is one but what about the jetta and scirocco clubs? If not then how about organising it with another event that goes on over a weekend? Ive seen this done before.

4.  COTM.  If you want to submit your car for COTM you should have to donate £1.  If you have 5 cars a month then this will total 10% of what you are trying to raise through donations  for this month.  

5. Now I don't mean to sound ungrateful but the metal shopping coin thing being given to winners of COTM is a poor prize and im sure costs the club a little bit to get made and engraved.  I would suggest changing this to a simple sticker that says Car of the month winner Julember 3078 or what ever.  This would be cheaper to produce and would be much more sort after (would be good to see cars at the AGM wearing there stickers)  I must admit my metal shopping trolley coin thing has been in the draw since I got it.

6. An auto jumble at the AGM (wasn't at the last one so not sure if you did this) £10 for a auto jumble pitch would help cover some costs and make the AGM more attractive.  The one I went to in 2009  just had crazy quiff there.

7.  I see you have already not decided to increase the membership cost but hear me out.  If you increased the membership by £1 (6.6%) and you had 400 members renewing each year, your anual budget of £7000 (I know the figures are loose) would increase by £400! that would stretch a long way.

8.  Ok there is no eight, ran out of ideas!

Just knocked that up off the top of my head, im sure that you won't like most of what ive said but I hope maybe it has planted some seeds.

Comments/criticism welcome



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Metal shopping coin thing! What thr Hell is that all about? Please can you stick a photo up. Apparently I won MOTM this month but didn't take a prize as I don't really need it but if it was a shopping coin I might change my mind.

T :lol:


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It was out of my own pocket Lee-Dub no cost to the club.

It is a keyring with an engraved coin held in by a magnet.  You pop the coin and use it as the £1 in shopping trolleys.  Basically if you're out and about and aint got £1 coin I thought it'd be handy  :dontknow: .  Obviously not….. they stopped last year as we give a COTM T-shirt and I buy a MOTM mug for the MOTM competition… again out of my own pocket, no cost to the club.


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Lee_Dub  :redfaced:  :redfaced:  :redfaced:




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What the hell? I said I don't mean to sound ungrateful!

Im not embarrassed by my comment? Im not ungrateful, I was made up that I won COTM but thought that it would be cheaper to issue a sticker.  I had no idea that someone funded that privately.  Im sorry if I caused offence.

I can't believe I took the time to come up with 7 good solid fund raisng ideas there and all you can do is pick up on that.  Spudfingers I think thats a very honorable thing that you do but how was I to know that you funded that privately?

I hope your not offended.


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Lee_dub said

We need to look at reducing the cost of the AGM, £6000 for what is essentially a field for a weekend with facilities is poor value (IMO).  

Does the AGM really cost this much to stage ??  8O  8O  8O  8O  8O  8O  8O
No wonder the club is struggling to pay its bills !



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What not even a tiny little bit embarrassed ?

I was just pulling your leg and you bit  :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:

(1) I agree with this.
(2) I believe that it is being worked on - it is a hell of a task for someone to manage, including storage of the stuff.
(3) Share, are you mad !! It is the Mk1 Golf Owners club weekend, I would hate to see it diluted by other clubs, there are loads of other shows for that.
(4) Donations in my opinion should remain completely voluntary and not dependant on taking part in things like COTM. This keeps it really simple for the web and admin people to manage.
(5) I got a splendid blue t-shirt for mine and so did the Mrs for hers. A very rare item you have there Lee.
(6) Could be viable - my problem would be that our cars we already stuffed with gear for the weekend, no room for jumble !!
(7) I guess the committee will review this as and when they see a decline in funds to such a level that the clubs outgoings are not sustainable.
(8 ) Just seen you ran out of ideas :-)

Hope to see you at this years AGM, and chew this over a beer or two.




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lhasadreams said

What not even a tiny little bit embarrassed ?

I was just pulling your leg and you bit  :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:

(1) I agree with this.
(2) I believe that it is being worked on - it is a hell of a task for someone to manage, including storage of the stuff.
(3) Share, are you mad !! It is the Mk1 Golf Owners club weekend, I would hate to see it diluted by other clubs, there are loads of other shows for that.
(4) Donations in my opinion should remain completely voluntary and not dependant on taking part in things like COTM. This keeps it really simple for the web and admin people to manage.
(5) I got a splendid blue t-shirt for mine and so did the Mrs for hers. A very rare item you have there Lee.
(6) Could be viable - my problem would be that our cars we already stuffed with gear for the weekend, no room for jumble !!
(7) I guess the committee will review this as and when they see a decline in funds to such a level that the clubs outgoings are not sustainable.
(8 ) Just seen you ran out of ideas :-)

Hope to see you at this years AGM, and chew this over a beer or two.

Yes im going to try and make this years AGM! (I was in Afghanistan for the last one)

The reason why im not embarrassed is because dealing with these sort of Issues is never easy.  I used to work for a team in the Military that used to look at effective cost saving measures, some of the stuff you have to do is a bit harsh and people are bound to get upset but its just the way it is.  Im also aware that you cant please everyone.  I see that you now get t shirts, thats cool but the same thing applies really and im honestly shocked and surprised to learn that it is funded by Spudfingers.  Obviously as long as its like that it has no negative effect on the clubs finances so is a null point.

I disagree about the auto jumble, I bought and sold parts at the AGM, its a good place to do it.

As for sharing, I can't see how it would dilute the AGM.  It would be cool to see the mk1 rocco and jetta clubs there too (altho these are just suggestions) 6k is a massive cost and I think the majority long term cost saving could be done here.

I think all together, just about every conceivable idea has been suggested in this thread, too which lots have people have said they disagree to.  If we really need to save money we have to be a bit tougher, there is loads of fantastic ideas in here.


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Lee_dub said

As for sharing, I can't see how it would dilute the AGM.  It would be cool to see the mk1 rocco and jetta clubs there too.

You're a brave man to suggest that ! :lol:



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Come on lets open that can o worms back up and really annoy people!!  :mrgreen:


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Raul said

Come on lets open that can o worms back up and really annoy people!!  :mrgreen:

I wonder if there's so much hostility between Escort and Orion owners ??  :twisted:



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DubPartz said

Raul said

Come on lets open that can o worms back up and really annoy people!!  :mrgreen:

I wonder if there's so much hostility between Escort and Orion owners ??  :twisted:

Fights to the death I heard!  :mrgreen:


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Yea especially when the Orion just got called an Escort in the end.

You will get the chairmans teeth rattling again, Jjjjjjjeeetttttaaaa - lol




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Im just suggesting that we share a field wioth other clubs who are having there anual weekend bash! Im personally interested in them but don't want to see them on this forum!

Im just thinking of ways to bring the cost of the AGM down.  Id like to know how that 6k pie is chopped up if im honest.


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BTW, looking at the donations tally, how come as more come in the debt increases ?



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Because it is relative to the Feb goal, I guess it needs a tweak to stay at £0 once the target is reached.




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I will tweak the donations block later when I leave work.
I am on my phone at the moment, believe me ideas are in progress and will be implemented as soon as possible.
There are too many online users to list.