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Who's watching their weight this year?


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Who's watching their weight this year?

Anyone trying to trim down this year?  Post here on how you are getting on…. sort of like a mini support group for us podgy blokes lol….

I've cut out beer and high fat crisps, peanuts, high fat foods like McD's etc….. I'm still going to have the odd blow out on beer but not drink as often as I did.  

Weighed in on Tuesday night… for 5.6" I aint too bad… want to lose about 1 stone to 1.5 stone… let's see how it goes each week  :?

Don't be shy who's trimming down and how much do you want to lose?


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Well last year a I went down from 162lbs to 144lbs 5.8" then proceeded to put it slowly back on over Oct Nov Dec drinking ALOT of Stella and eating curry, lasagne etc so up to 156lbs.

It was fun putting it back on I have to say!  :mrgreen:

No beer for Jan, then my drink of choice will be vodka untill spring (Big Bang).

Cereal in the morn, baked beans or tuna for lunch, with fruit snacks then a healthy dinner + plenty of regular exercise.

Good luck Spud!  :wink:


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Thanks Raul at least you didn't put it ALL back on!!

How hard was it for you cutting everything out did you follow a diet plan?  Me and the missus are getting married this year and are both trying the Weight Watchers Pro Points plan… we done weight watchers up to October last year and lost at least a stone each… put it mostly back on but we know it works so here is hoping.


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Its not hard for me to cut the rubbish food out, alcohol is my problem.  :roll:

I always need a reason to lose it tho or I just aint bothered, summer hols, summer shows etc… A wedding would def be motivation for me.

I've never followed a specific plan, maybe I should, as I always fall off the wagon a bit after the warm months hence last year!

I'm a calories man, cut the calories, lose the weight.. works for me!

Good luck for the wedding dude!


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I've cut out chocolate and all takeaways. Im 5 9" and weigh in around 15stone. I travelled Oz 2 years ago and came home weighing 12 1/2 and feeling great. I want that feeling again…. :pray: this year  :D

1983 Golf 1.3 driver


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Thanks Raul mate  :wink:

Dave-0000 do you think you'll get back to that… you excersising?

I'm going to jog and do light weights plus watch my intake of grub….. hardest bit for me….. NOT picking late at night  :redfaced:


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Spudfingers said

Thanks Raul mate  :wink:

Dave-0000 do you think you'll get back to that… you excersising?

I'm going to jog and do light weights plus watch my intake of grub….. hardest bit for me….. NOT picking late at night  :redfaced:

I hope to get somewhere near but it's going to be hard. In general I find it easy to lose weight but its keeping the diet going i find hard. I find the first stone falls off but if it starts to slow down then I lose enthusiasm.
When im back from Germany (tomorrow) Im going to  start running a couple of days a week. I ran in Oz and thats what helped out there.

One of my new year resolutions is to 'get gorgeous'  :lol: Lets see how that pans out…. :lol:

1983 Golf 1.3 driver


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Dave-0000 said

One of my new year resolutions is to 'get gorgeous'  :lol: Lets see how that pans out…. :lol:

I tried that but then lost interest……. turns out I'm an ugly get lol  :mrgreen:


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Spudfingers said

Dave-0000 said

One of my new year resolutions is to 'get gorgeous'  :lol: Lets see how that pans out…. :lol:

I tried that but then lost interest……. turns out I'm an ugly get lol  :mrgreen:

Yeah, everyone laughs when I tell them my plan… Im not sure why  :lol:  :dontknow:

1983 Golf 1.3 driver


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Well three years a go I decided enough was enough, I had hit 18 stone 10, which at 5ft 10" officially made me a fat fatherless child.
The trouble is that I like my food and ale far too much !! So the only course of action was exercise, so I took up swimming again after a 10 year gap which coincided with a change in job.
I have just dropped below 15st, a steady loss of weight that seems to be staying off !!
My target is 12.5st but another stone off this year would make me happy.
I swim 2 to 3 times a week depending on work, doing 70 lengths in 45 minutes. It's hard work and I hate it but it is getting results so I stick at it.

Good luck to anyone else that is trying !!




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lhasadreams that is a massive achievement so far mate massive pat on the back mate!!!  Hope I can get anywhere near that enthusiasm  :wink:


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i am!!!

trying to…………..

but i've just been the chippy for my dinner :)



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Well that's a bloody good start matt :doh:  :tlc:


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i couldn't help it

crap day at work

got even worse when i got home

sod it!!! ill have a bag of chips, this will make everything better



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jellybelly said

i couldn't help it

crap day at work

got even worse when i got home

sod it!!! ill have a bag of chips, this will make everything better

Never understood why they call it comfort food… I've always found it a bit awkward watching telly on a bag of chips and a cod…. mushy peas in your ear is a right git!!!

You alright fella?  If you need to talk hit the blower or txt mate.  Hope your alright.


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nothiung to serious

i'm a bit comfort eater!! that my problem :)

but i will still loose 2 stone this year!!!!



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That's it mate determination… I think 2 stone drop in a year is a healthy target  :dontknow:


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well I'm in the running I'm 5'10'' and tip and i mean "tip" the scales at a massive 17st :redfaced:  so i need to loose big time i've been really good just having 2 small butties for dinner with (NO CRISPS) which is hell as i luv um.
I have even started going to the gym and also swimming 2-3 times a week at the moment so wish me luck would like to get back down to 14st in an ideal world.

Dont ask what your club can do for you, but what can you do for your club?


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Crisps are my downfall too mate…. especially late at night when I get the munchies…. reading about how the body works breakfast is soooooo important as it starts your metabolism off… the longer you leave it without food the longer your body fasts…. I'm going to rotate between cereal, cereal bars and toast so it doesn't get boring… not a breakfast fan but should be ok.  Don't think you are meant to eat after 8pm either  :dontknow: …. here's wishing our little support group help aye.  Going to weigh myself every Tuesday so should see if I've lost anything in a few days…. the program begins  :?


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I am

did 3 km on the treadmill this evening :D

Diesel Possessed


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