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South West where are you?


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South West where are you?

come one men support your area.
we have a meet 2moro and
"we need you"
to join swm 13 lol

dont make it unlucky 13 :wink:

Simon R - YouTube

MGH 178Y - 16v - Gone :(

KHJ 888Y - Gone


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Considdering we are boderring on Cornwall which is full of VW driving, tax dodging surfer layabouts, you'd have thought we'd get the best turnout figures for the meets. :dontknow:

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:lol:  :lol:  :lol:

wheres it to again……

ill really really try for the next one, promise!!

rebuild in progress....


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next one we think is being held at exeter services instead, on 2nd sunday of next month (october)
should be a big one, lots of ppl saying they will come.
to be decided though.
so check a SWM 14 thread when posted for more details.

Simon R - YouTube

MGH 178Y - 16v - Gone :(

KHJ 888Y - Gone


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Provided Exeter isn't a permanant fixture though :D I would have liked to have gone to SWM13 :( There is no way i can make it all the way down to Exeter services, considering i live in north glos.  Will prob alienate a lot of SWM members who live around Bristol area too :banghead:

Doug has long enough to travel to Taunton from Hereford :roll:

I suggest then that SWM15 is held at either Taunton, or Cribbs.  Pref. Cribbs if you guys are thinking of a rotation basis.  I take it you guys from way down south will be up for a Cribbs Causeway meet 8O  :dontknow:  8O

1991 MK2 Golf G60 20VT

1991 MK2 Golf GTI 16V Oak Green


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Cribs is too far for me, its 120 miles which is a long way to go for a bite to eat and have a look at half a dozen cars. Maybe the south west area is too big and needs splitting in 2?

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Perhaps you should set up Devon and Cornwall.

1991 MK2 Golf G60 20VT

1991 MK2 Golf GTI 16V Oak Green


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Its an idea

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thats a good idea, its not that i mind drivin, but tis a long way.
im keen to meet up, so any suggestions??

rebuild in progress....


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Think we should have this discussion in SWM14. Need to get this matter resolved :D

1991 MK2 Golf G60 20VT

1991 MK2 Golf GTI 16V Oak Green


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Don't worry, its not just the SWM. Our NWM14 (on a Thursday evening) was attended by 3 people, Dano and I had a chat about it and have come up with different fixes! Its interesting to see that you had a poor turnout on a Sunday, we thought perhaps our problem was it being Thursday.

It seems that there is no longer a big 'core' membership and those who are newcomers, don't return to the next meet. Its been similar for National meets (club stand attendance) too, for example E38 had 6 cars on Saturday, compare this with 30 or so Lupos in their club.



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I was thinking that maybe changing the venue from time to time might help to recruit some more members that dont normally attend the meets. Once they know whats its all about they might wish to travel further. :dontknow:

Worth a bash I think. Keeping it at the same venue all the time makes it a bit boring. Ideally it'd be nice to meet somewhere nicer than a motorway services type of place once in a while.  :)


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God yeah, i agree with that :D

1991 MK2 Golf G60 20VT

1991 MK2 Golf GTI 16V Oak Green


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hopefully go for a cruise, meet new people the lot.

maybe the devon& cornwall idea might work?
as much as i want to meet as many people as possible, it is a long way.

Topic moved to

"check it ooooouuuuut!" craig david.

Simon R - YouTube

MGH 178Y - 16v - Gone :(

KHJ 888Y - Gone


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i would be up for an exeter meet if my car is on the road again by then! :D


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Nice one! :D Hope you get it sorted in time.

Check out the SWM14 thread in the regional meets and shows area of the forum for details…. click the link a couple of posts above!



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