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scrappage scheme?


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scrappage scheme?

Agree, and it seems to be a widely supported view in the press and motor (repair/garage) industry in general. Car manufacturers are in trouble because they all thought they could gain market share over one another, and thus built more factories than absolutely necessary. Thus, we now have 30-40% overcapacity.

The government's idea was short sighted and a kneejerk reaction, rather than a well thought out scheme.

However in certain situations, joe public can take advantage of it and whatalotafun's grandad seems to be in that situation (buys new and copes with the depreciation anyway, small/low spec car means that purchase cost vs ?2000 incentive is a low ratio).



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Tis all based on greed and credit anyway so stuff the car manufacturers. If they had not spent so much time and money trying to convince everyone that they needed a new car every 3 years they would not have this problem. Now the economy has slowd down they cant shift as many and they are crying. boo hoo. Our government once again has done sweet FA whilst our european friends shore up their own car industries. Ours contemplates giving millions to foreign companies to take over British companies (LDV)!! Why not give the money to local councils and government bodies on the understanding they purchase only british built vehicles? Oh they cant because the demise of the uk indutry base measn there aren't any Car manufacturers left!! Oh and its probably against some european laws that we cant protect our own country. Sorry to rant but it seems to me that whilst britain does its upmost to support many other european states every one else is looking after themselves.


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I don't think its as simple as that because car manufacturers are now very much international in nature. For example, all of these could be considered British, or have british elements in them:


and Ford really can't claim to be British any more, in terms of cars.



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you forgot nissan.


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