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Public Sector Strike (Teachers)


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Public Sector Strike (Teachers)

Can we not overlook where all the woes of this country started, resulting in everybody suffering in one shape or form………….the scheming grasping greedy scumbags that are investment bankers. They should all be strung up. As I said, we're all suffering in some way or another because of them.

Campaign Mk 1 Black

16v Mk2 Red (decsd )


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Well that's cutting your nose off to spite your face.

Mark my words, he'll be back, how can he resist…?

T :wink:


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Right tried to stay away from this post but i could not help it :lol:

My wife went on strike she is not a teacher but works for the home office i supported her decision as she lost a days wage and we could not have really done with that but i support anybody who stands up for what they believe in and put up a fight, when your contract suddenly changes to what was agreed then you have to do something if it affects your money.  Lets face it the goverment are asking for more money, work longer and get less out now no matter what job your in thats not right and the public sector workers (most not all can strike) can do something about it and strike those who say i could not do that in your job as you'd get sack (private sector workers) then what would you do, you would have to take it on the chin and get on with it or leave the job, which is the same situation im in (look under) but if you had a chance of putting up a fight wouldn't you really have ago if you had the chance, yes it incovenienced alot of people when teachers striked but they are getting inconvenienced themselves and the inconvenience is not their fault and yes its not your fault either its the absoulute poor running this country has had for years.

I had to take a 20% pay cut just over a year ago plus im also owed more as i stayed on a 5day week when someothers took a 4 day week but im still there the reason…………. i get good money still on a paycut and the hours i work are great really is the best job in the world (to me) and its only a very small company so can talk to the owner on whats happening.

These are my feelings not going to fall out with people over it, if everybody thought the same it would be one boaring world we lived in. I can see both side of the debate and every body has a good point really, just try and put yourself in other peoples shoes and swap roles with some of these people real life not just coments peoples,futures,payments,plans and see what you think? may be the same may not its easy to just comment but some of these issues really effect some peoples lives and futures not just the one day or maybe odd day of strikes. oh and yes i do have a young child and yes we were effected.

Ha done

It dunt fit


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BigandDaft said

These are my feelings not going to fall out with people over it, if everybody thought the same it would be one boaring world we lived in. I can see both side of the debate and every body has a good point really, just try and put yourself in other peoples shoes and swap roles with some of these people real life not just coments

Here, here!

T :clap:


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Cheers pal but its true, we all have a view and that is what makes us human can you imagine if we all thought the same yyaaawwwwwnnnnnnnnn

It dunt fit


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People should look at and understand the bigger picture. A profession isn't just a 9-5 job/business and there are long term ramifications with unfair government proposals.
I support the teachers as I value that they are trying to save the deserved profession from an unfair assault by the government - thats the bottom line.  Its not the end result but the process that counts and if people really value a profession such as teaching in attracting good professionals, then they should realise that due process should be respected.
Striking is a last option in what is likely a long behind the scenes futile process with government thick-headedeness!
No doubt we would want to live in a society where people are CHOSEN to become teachers on basis of merit rather than anyone that can fill the gap.
This is often the argument used to pay ill-deserving fat cats whether they be politicians or bankers - a less robust argument. Indeed public sector workers are on average more highly qualified, and work in MORE difficult environments.

Thats my bit


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NK said

Indeed public sector workers are on average more highly qualified

You cannot just come out with a quote like that without referencing a study that proves such a statement !! It is a useless fact anyway unless it is measured against success.

To be honest with you qualifications are a means to an end, a key to get you into a door. Once in, you build experience which is worth a 100x the original qualification.

Take my brother for instance, useless at qualifications but a damn fine copper with nearly 20 years experience, he got in to the force by being a special and then an intensive week of mental and physical tests.

My chosen profession required a degree, so that is what I got.

Back on topic though, I have just spent two weeks in Cuba. The people here still have rations, almost impossible to get a visa to travel, are paid about £400 a month, work 80 hour weeks, have a free health service for anything, free education including uni, fixed and gauranteed pension and crucially they are a very kind and happy people, I have never met such a friendly bunch in my life. However cracks are starting to appear and private enterprise is being encouraged by the government, the reason is that the model is not sustainable, the government are running out of money - speaking with several Cubans they are very nervous for the future as their predictable but simple way of life is starting to change - sounds familiar eh ?

I think I may of said this before, my pension is based on the stock Market so it ebbs and flows with the economy, my plan includes starting to convert it to cash 5 years from retirement, my choice to avoid the perils of a stockmarket crash - no choice but to do this in the private sector. My wife on the other hand pays in half what I do and receives a gauranteed larger pension, she is public sector…



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