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Movemer who's in?


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Movemer who's in?

Im growing a beard,but i didnt start till the 11th because i had a 60th to go to,and i needed to look respectable.
My missus doesnt like it,but i had a younger lady come up to me last night and she started stroking it saying how sexy it is!!!
I think i might keep it  :D


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We had a Movember Charity auction in my school today, all the staff who've grown a Moustach for Movember stood on the stage and the pupils & staff bid to paint someone's Moustach.

We called it "Cash for the Tash"

I was bought for the mighty sum of £7!


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well done everyone who survived the month!   Let's see your MO before you shave it off!

I'm gonna miss my MO (gonna try a few differnt styles as it comes off tomorrow)

£246 raised for Prostate Cancer


couldnt have done it without my team

donate here
Movember - Changing the face of men's health - Movember
Movember - Changing the face of men's health - Movember
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