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mouldy car!


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mouldy car!

I'm having a bit of a problem with my cabriolet going mouldy and wondered if anyone one here's got a cure for it.  

Basically I noticed a few weeks ago the roof leaking whilst its been parked up for the winter, I think its on its last legs and has become porous, it must have been like that for a few days as the interior was starting to go mouldy, I cleaned it all up and bought a car cover so it doesn't leak anymore but tonight I noticed it had gone mouldy again and smelled very musty.  I'm very tight with funds at the mo so whats the best way to stop this happening until I can afford a new roof?  Also will I ever get rid of this mould or will it now reoccur???  Cheers Andy


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Is the car cover breathable but won't let water in? If you can, take the seats out and keep them somewhere dry. I would also leave the windows a few inches open if the car can still be fairly secure. As long as you don't leave it too long any mould should come off fairly easily.




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Happens to my Mk1 as well even though it's in the garage (!)  As Dubboy said, leaving the window open a crack helps ventilate. You can also try the dehumidifier packs designed for caravans (to stop the same problems). I think these are just silica gel in a plastic box that help absorb moisture. You can get them from camping shops and I've seen them in Homebase too. Only cost a few quid.


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Re Mouldy

Another really cheap way of getting moisture out is to get a really big bag (1kg) of salt from Tesco (less than a ?) tip contents out into a couple of bowls (soup/cereal) and leave it in the car for a few days. All the salt takes moisture out of air and the salt goes hard. I did that when I had a caravan.


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Cheers for the advice :D , I've just ordered some large packs of silica gel of ebay hope this does the trick! Should I leave the windows open if I'm using the gel or do you think it would work best with them closed?


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It's amazing what get's sold on ebay (!)  I would never have thought of looking there. Anyway, I think you should close the windows. Let us know if it works !




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I had the same problem when storing mine. If it's kept in a garage then just try and keep the garage open when it's dry, maybe even wheel the Golf out every now and again with the windows open. The mould shouldn't re-occur if it's cleaned properly, now I'm using mine daily it's fine.
If the cover is completely waterproof then i'd cover the car in a blanket first, but just make sure it don't get wet cuz it'll hold the water!!

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