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Modding..How far do you take it??


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Modding..How far do you take it??

Not many good standard examples around these days that have not been modded in some way. I love modded Mk1's but how far do you go but still retaining the original design?? Bulk head chopping, chassis legs plated up….It looks absolutely great but are we all going to look back when the fad has passed and think what a shame???


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Yes I totally understand where you are coming from, I own a very well known highly modded Mk1 but still love the original design, I have thought of taking it to the next stage by welding up the chassis legs and smoothing the engine bay but have been reluctant…… I've been on the scene too long to see that things go full circle….bring on the clipper kit!!!


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I'd say out of all the modifications possible on a Mk1, only around 5% are worthwhile. Another thing is, its impossible to categorise  'modified' cars and therefore say they're all bad (or all okay), since there is such a wide variety out there. Bear in mind you're basically 're-engineering' the whole car, or at least changing the emphasis, so it often doesn't work out so practical or enjoyable as a whole.

I believe that there's enough original Mk1s of different varieties out there, that you shouldn't worry about 'ruining' a rare car. If you want to modify, go ahead!

I used to think that 'original' is best, some of me still does (they got it pretty good from the start!) but I like tinkering with cars so modifying was sooner or later an inevitibility.



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If you stick to the 'less is more' philosophy and keep everything simple you cant go far wrong in my opinion. Reversible modifications are a  good idea though.

mk1 1.1 C


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ive thort about this subject alot recently, to the extent that i have bought a mk1 gti shell and intend to do it up to original equipment. my modified example is great love it to bits but i fancy a bog standard one as this is the shape that pulled us all in in the first place!!!!!

so the answer is - get one of each!!!!



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my philosophy is to say ,

what might have come out of the vw factory

so i wont touch my interior or outer stylin but a mk2 wiper motor, or 2l vw block wi a pp heads ok!

rebuild in progress....


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cabriaulait said

my philosophy is to say ,

what might have come out of the vw factory

so i wont touch my interior or outer stylin but a mk2 wiper motor, or 2l vw block wi a pp heads ok!

Cabriaulait has hit it on the head there. If it looks OEM or came from VW such as in an engine upgrade, then it's all good. Personally I'm too caught up trying to make mine look mint to worry about fitting a wide arch Dimma kit from 1990.

Tian :wink:


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but then theres the other point....if we all had mint restored original cars, it wouldnt be too fun at shows....just different colours in the end right?

i live to dub....


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my cabby is all original and i'm planning on keeping her that way but i may lower her for handleing purposes and for looks. but i've only modified Elvis slightly, he's been lowered 60mm and he has black golf gti 1979's alloys.

i dont think i'll ever majorly modify my golf's. i love them too much to totally change them, if you dont like the look of your golf……buy a different car, dont spoil the golf.

I saw a crinkly peanut tomorrow


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have to agree with everyone here.. especially Tupac.

I think the problem is that some people can't accept a modified car, it's like it's been disgraced or something  :dontknow:

My MK1 is very heavily modified, - i didn't do it but everyone i see says it looks nice, it's got a big clipper kit on it, colour coded, spray job, lowered, wide alloys, tinted windows (light), custom aerial, smoothed and alot more.

But i also believe OEM is incredibly nice - even with abit of rust on it ;)

I owned a Mk1 polo which was in incredible condition and that was pure oem, everything (it even had the original tyres from when it was new on! HAHA)


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Why do people modify cars? Is it to make it a "real head turner"? Because for me, everytime I see someone like that I always mutter obsenities under my breath (compairing them to a part of the reproductive area of the male anatomy!). Subtle modifications which maybe update a particular part of the car, for example, changing the Pierburg 2E2 carb for a Webber, or maybe fitting power steering to a cabriolet, I would have to say are in some way an improvement! But anyone who thinks Pimp my ride and the fast and the furious are the way forward, should put their tools down, step away from the golf and go and buy a nova!

That way, should I ever decide to kill myself, I can do some social cleansing first and you will be easier to spot! Good day!  :x


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yeah but vw modded yours walt

i reckon all the electrics on yours class as a pimped ride tbh……

im lookin forward to your holiday then u can have a go in mine!!!

rebuild in progress....


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Can I urban surf on the roof rack?  :D


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yep im gonna get some skiboots just for u!! :lol:  :lol:

your gonna love the drive to me workshop, youll see why i cant slam her for sure!

rebuild in progress....


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I like both OEM & modified cars, what is actually WRONG with modifying a car? - Just because you have a different opinion on it why should you say it's wrong "go get a nova".

I think most people in the community who mod their MK1s do it because they are personalising the car more, and if that means it's a more enjoyable or satisfied owner then why not? - If everything in life was kept the same it would be boring. If all MK1s or all Golfs on the road were never modified in anyway they would not be respected in the same way they are.. car's that get modified are usually very very good cars - the Golf - especially the MK1 is one of these.

I hate the fact that people says "Oh go get a Nova, you're a rudeboy or a chav, or you must streetrace". If i wanted a uttery !*()?^"? car to drive, that looks !*()?^"?, drives !*()?^"? and has a tiny !*()?^"? engine i'd buy a Nova, but i certainly wouldn't modify it because it would look crap.

My MK1 is modified - quite heavily, but everyone i speak to in the VW community & the average Joe say they like because of it's individuality, yeh i get a few "i don't like the big bumpers" - everyone has their own view.

I just think that everyone has an opinion, a preferance - so why can't people just accept it, - you'd think so wouldn't you?? - we are (i think) all adults - or hopefully since we all have driving licenses. I'm entitled to do with my car what I want, and i realise i get judged sometimes as to "rudeboy" or "streetracer" - not the case, i havn't slapped a body kit and heavy mods on a car to make it go faster, i've done it because i think it looks good and it's different, and when i goto shows - it's rare to see someone with the same mods as I have.

We're all entitled to our opinions, if you don't like modifications fair enough, but you don't have to be so black & white about it. At the end of the day whether my VW is modified or concours, there's no difference in the care, love and appreciation they recieve. - & i think that's whats been a members all about..


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I wasn't having ago by the way..  someone was gonna say it ;)


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im dissapointed in you walt…thought you were more diverse

i live to dub....


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Easy now Tupac, walt was merely bringing up an old discussion.

Also as a side note the number plate is a tad sad ;) - but fair enough.


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I'm sorreeeeee!  :cry:
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