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i think i,ve had enough


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i think i,ve had enough

most of you know about the trouble i,ve had with my white mk1
anyway i,ve put another head on it and had it all set up and i thought it was ok. took it out of garage today 1st time in weeks and i,ve still got a the same problem with it…………  so i,m thinking of selling it
its a
1984 white A reg non campaign
ex condition
never been welded
mot till jan 2006
lots more to say about it but havent got time
anyone know whats it worth ????

1984 white s2 golf gti , 2006 golf gti


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Woky - whats wrong with the engine? :dontknow:

Wherabouts in the country are you?


1981 1600 GTI (coming to a road near you soon…)

1983 1100 C


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woky - noooo don't do it.  I has to be fixable, just has to be!!!!!!!!!!

Crazyquiff's Mk1 Golf Parts Emporium - you know you want to….


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where are you ? bring it to noddys he fix it for you were in darlington


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markwon said

Woky - whats wrong with the engine? :dontknow:

Wherabouts in the country are you?

i,m near cardiff
the prob is when driving and i floor the throttle it goes to about 4500rpm
then starts to splutter. i,ve changed just about everything on  the car
and now it seems i,m throwing good money after bad  :cry:

1984 white s2 golf gti , 2006 golf gti


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Noooo, you cant sell it.  When you have time, list all the things you have changed and we will help you fix it, Simple  :)

The show season is just about to start, thats got to be a good enough reason to keep it  :lol:

MK1 Golf   GTI 1900
MK2 Jetta  GTI 16V


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Have you tried the replacing the alternator? I had a similar problem spluttering and losing power. It turned out to be my alternator on its way out and the pump not getting the power it needed. Worth checking it :wink:

Don't sell her woky you'll regret it.

I used to own a mk1 - well I've had 2 actually - YDU 720X & SMU 420Y. Currently I drive an 98 Scotia White Mitsubishi Evolution V RS…. fancy getting another mk1 someday :D


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i,m near cardiff
the prob is when driving and i floor the throttle it goes to about 4500rpm
then starts to splutter. i,ve changed just about everything on the car
and now it seems i,m throwing good money after bad

I haven't followed this thread all the way through, but listing what you've done already might be a good idea, and get all the new minds on the problem.

Sounds electrical to me, I had a problem like this on a previous mk1 and it turned out to be the centrifugal rev cut off coming in too early. Does it always splutter at 4500rpm?



Once a Mk1 fan, always a Mk1 Fan...


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i,ve changed …
4 injectors
fuel pump
fuel lines
fuel tank

when on a machine everything is perfect
the higher gear i,m in the less revs i get
1st it will red line
2nd about 5500 rpm
untill 5th it splutters about 4500
the head i,ve now got on car is straight off another car that i know was
fine on and i havent had it skimmed

1984 white s2 golf gti , 2006 golf gti


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Woky - you say 'machine', by that do you mean a rolling road or a diagnostics machine? Would have thought could be ignition problem, may be dizzy not advancing properly - dizzy vacuum pipes ok?. Have you got a good strong spark, how your coil and HTs? Rotor arm may have a weak spring causing incorrect rev limiter cutting in.


1981 1600 GTI (coming to a road near you soon…)

1983 1100 C


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its been on a diagnostics machine and everything is fine. it went on rolling road tune and the bloke said it was giving too much compression ( 270 psi)  he said its cause i had a mk2 head on it and its prob bin skimmed
too many times.
so now i,ve put a mk1 head that came off an engine that i know was fine and i never had it skimmed.
should i take it back for another ?50 rolling road tune ? :banghead:

1984 white s2 golf gti , 2006 golf gti


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I have just been having a read on what you have replaced. Also what you said earlier woky.  There is, I think a clue here and that is with what engine speeds you can acheive in every gear.

Obviously the faster you go, the lesser the rpm you can go. This would to me point towards fuel starvation of some kind because you will need alot more fuel to do 4500 rpm in 5th than first if you see what I mean. Think about what fuel lines you have replaced and with what size dia pipe you used. Was it big enough. If so is there any way you can disconnect the fuel feed at the filter and do a flow rate check to make sure it is delivering enough fuel.

What warm up reg are you using, because a 16v one will cause the engine to lean off at high rpm if not set up correctly. Even a duff 8v one can do this too.

Can you get around the fuel starvation bit by permanantly keeping the cold start valve on. I think you can, worth a try.

If you are achieving the red line in first, then it is likely that the dizzy/ adv side of things are ok.

A  set up at a bosch specialist will be able to sort this out for you, even if it does not have a RR,

Something to think about for the time being anyway!


MK1 Golf   GTI 1900
MK2 Jetta  GTI 16V


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Just remembered this web site for K jet stuff too  :)

MK1 Golf   GTI 1900
MK2 Jetta  GTI 16V


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cheers nick
i,ve had the fuel pressure checked when car is cold and warm and all was ok
also he checked fuel delivery by keeping pump on for 1 min and fuel being
pumped into a jug .
and there was the correct amount of fuel  :banghead:

1984 white s2 golf gti , 2006 golf gti


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Have to tried the CIS unit?


'82 Black 1600 GTI - Getting Better


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PhillTMK1GTI said

Have to tried the CIS unit?
is that the black plug in thingy ?
i,ve changed that and changed it back again

1984 white s2 golf gti , 2006 golf gti


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I think CIS means the metering head?

Crazyquiff's Mk1 Golf Parts Emporium - you know you want to….


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yeah it's the little black 'plug-in' thingy with the heatsink near the heater matrix (I think), but i you've changed that and changed it back it probably isn't that  :banghead:


'82 Black 1600 GTI - Getting Better


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little black 'plug-in' thingy with the heatsink

Think thats usually called an ignition module. Have you checked all the low tension cables and connectors that run between ignition module, dizzy and coil?

1981 1600 GTI (coming to a road near you soon…)

1983 1100 C


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Long post here!!  Sent my mate details of your problem… he ogt back to me with the following, not sure if anything there will help but it's worth posting :-

quote :-

if it was the head, then he would get a pinking sound when he puts his foot down n it would get worse when the cars warmed up. he's done the injectors, fuel pump and fuel line (???!!) so i doubt its a fuel problem, plus it would do the same thing in every gear whenever it would reach that rev… it would be handy knowing whether the car was bought with this problem or if something was fitted/introduced just before this started to occur…
so, whats left to do…
if he's changed the CIS unit then that would have ruled that out (thats what caused my issue, car wouldnt idle, miss fired like a biatch but when it got over 3500-4000 it seemed ok???) but the symptons on that my vary depending on what part of the circuit was damaged
the only other thing would be the ignition so:
follow the wires from the low tension circuit and see if there's any break or perishing,
swap out the coil,
changed the HT leads and check the condition of the dizzy cap (if its cracked or badly warn it would cause a few issues)
spark plugs (check the gaps are correct)
if all that fails, it might be worth seeing if you have a mate with a spare air flow meter that you can try
when i had the problem with mine i had to order a new dizzy from bosch (???!) and since mine was a 1600GTi which had a retard vacuum on it, was all the harder to get hold of! when i received it, i fitted it with a massive smile on my face… only to find out the problem was still there… NOT GOOD!!!
so i took it down to my local tuning place where they whacked on a compression tester and told me i should be running rocket fuel… when i rebuilt the engine when i 1st got the car, i was supplied the wrong pistons (they were to tall) which then explained why i had blown 5 head gaskets in the space of 8 months!!! the symptons were some serious pinking (as if the timing was to far advanced) and a lack of power, which it used to have… but it still managed to have its days :o)
its a tricky one, especially not having the car infront of me, but if its been checked out then it that kinda rules out the ignition and fuel, but i still think its a problem related to one, if not both of those problems
hope this helps!


'82 Black 1600 GTI - Getting Better
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