help number plates???????
(In Topic #72813)
Settling In

help number plates???????
hi i own a mk1 A87 DPL, ive been looking for a personalised number plate for ages but im struggling to find one, because u cant make a car appear newer can sum one please help and give me sum advice on how i can personalise my car without paying a fortune????

There are loads of places,Try the DVLA website They have a search engine on there and you can click away for hours till you find something you like .If it's a dateless plate you're after and you're not fussy about the number /letter combination you can try one of their auctions held every couple of months or so, details on same site,You can get a 3x3 plate there for ?400 plus fee's ,Or finally try one of the large reg companies ,you can find them listed on the autotrader website look under motoring ,Happy hunting
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