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Fuel Blockades Going Up


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Fuel Blockades Going Up

Taken from the company supposedly organising ?
The following statement is released on 10th December 2007 at 10:15Hrs

Transaction2007 have decided to release the date and time of protest action earlier than scheduled. This is to enable the motorist and public to better prepare themselves for the coming action.

A date of Saturday 15th December 2007 at 10:00am has been decided for protest action. This date was decided by members as the best possible to enable those who would normally be working during the week to attend. This action will be initiated at a refinery or storage depot somewhere near you. Anyone wishing to support action is requested to make your way there at the allotted time. Transaction again wish to emphasise the importance of legal protesting.

"TransAction 2007"


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Pete, what's your opinion on the best future for Jerusalem? Because that kinda defines the price of fuel…..



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Your point being, FFS everyone's gone PC.
But shouldn't it be whats best future for us!


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?1.19 a litre in a garage in glasgow 8O  thats :evil:


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As long as theres cooking oil in sainsburys i will keep driving  :wink:

Thats not a rod knockin,its a diesel stupid! floppy top and 1 tin top


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0.99p litre here at moment, filled up with super unleaded last week at ?1.19 as some naff petrol about, 0.64p a litre into goverments pocket, Nice  :banghead:


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Bert said

As long as theres cooking oil in sainsburys i will keep driving  :wink:

I agree, loosk like i'll be using the caddy till something sensible happens


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paul_c said

Pete, what's your opinion on the best future for Jerusalem? Because that kinda defines the price of fuel…..
that doesn't explain why the UK has one of the highest priced petrol in the world does it?
1976 price of petrol in the UK was =15p per ltr
the price of petrol in the USA today is = to 30p per ltr
don't know about you but i could live with petrol at ?1.50 per GALLON
MMMMMMMM wonder why our fuel so expensive feel its got rock all to do with Jerusalem and more to do with UK tax.

Dont ask what your club can do for you, but what can you do for your club?


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Peddersgolf said

0.99p litre here at the moment

8O youre paying less than a penny a litre… i want to stock up for my car 8)

1983 Golf 1.3 Driver:  


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careful with the bio diesel - cooking oil or otherwise you need to upgrade your sills, be warned.

(i spent this morning laughing at my band's drummers G wagon because his melted his fuel lines with cooking oil)

if i remember correctly we are paying almost 70p in duties, so the government stop taking so much duty and they can significantly drop the price, 23% of the over all price goes to the actual fuel firm and garage, so the rest on that is tax, drop duties, drop tax, increase whats going to the distributors - maybe help them finish some of the 100% synthetics that bp and shell have been working on recently so the price can drop permanently and the excuse "its getting harder to find and is not eco viable" wont stick.


also split Jerusalem's admittance tot he corresponding holy days, palestine land however, needs to be handed back to who ever can trace the heir ship of the land the furthest into there familys past, back to when both jew and muslem lived on the same street with no troubles.

i.e. before the dirty knights templar started greedily snatching and trading land and gold in the region and dividing people up so as to better manage them

my international politics doctorate sister says hi by the way…

thats pretty handy indeed……


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Ok basically the argument is this: ihn the UK, fuel is taxed differently to other countries, in that the relative amount of tax on fuel is high, with the relative amount collected in other ways (purchase of car, licensing (car tax), road tolls) lower. So, the UK has an overall motoring taxation system which is much more dependent on the mileage done and the fuel consumption of the car.

This seems fair but its arguable that people in the countryside and other isolated areas, are adversely affected.

If you look closer overall, the total amount of taxation is a little higher in the UK than other european countries. So either the roads cost more to run (unlikely…) or the government are offsetting funds from the motorist to other areas (such as education, welfare, hospitals, etc). This offsetting of funds is absolutely necessary unless you can come up with a way of hospitals, schools and the benefits system being self-funding, commercial units (look at the healthcare system in USA, for an example).

Overall politically, you could simplify things to asking yourself "do you prefer high tax & good welfare" or "low tax, poor welfare". At this point, everyone must consider their own personal circumstance and think carefully about if they'd be better or worse off…..



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I don't buy that.  If we need to pay more tax overall, that should have been in the Labour manifesto and we could have voted for it or not.

Because people need cars to get to work and other basics, because the train service is expensive, miserable, unreliable and we don't live next to a station, we are just sitting targets for Brown and friends to raise taxes on the quiet, blaming it on Jerusalem/Hurricane Katrina/demand in China etc when that's only a part of the story.

And don't talk to me about overcrowded roads.  So much of it is caused by badly co-ordinated roadworks, senseless road layouts and traffic light phasing DESIGNED to stop traffic flowing (Ken Livingstone admits to this in London) that you really, really suspect we're just being softened up for MORE road taxes in the name of 'green', that you aren't allowed to argue against. :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

So Up The Revolution comrades - but it's not just about fuel prices.

<b>Mister Wild</b>
'91 Rivage leather


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i blame arthur scargill.

but in seriousness we have the worst work to pay ratio in europe
you would think they could cut us some slack somewhere…
edit: did someone mention revolution?

ill grab me afghan scarf and berret…


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Skipback said

i blame arthur scargill.

but in seriousness we have the worst work to pay ratio in europe
you would think they could cut us some slack somewhere…
edit: did someone mention revolution?

ill grab me afghan scarf and berret…

What's a work to pay ratio?



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work to pay ratio is the amount of work actually done devided by the ammount we actually get paid.

so for me,

im a civil servant (boo hiss)
i get paid 16,400 a year (yeah that little, and im not that low either, i design and monitor computer networks for the british armed forces… and im on less then the people they employ in there call center) i work a 40 hour week,  including nights. and in a day i do 7 hours of actual solid work, in other words im constantly busy from the moment i sit down to when i go home, its been advised 3 people should do the work i do on my own, in short, its management speak for exactly how much work they are getting out of me for how much they are paying me.

so its the fact "the man" works us dammed hard and pays us very little across the board, until you reach upper management which is where the figures get bent somewhat, as they do little work and get paid lots, thus bending the arc.

i really hope that made sense, my sister was dictating it to me and frankly it made little sense to me.

i do computters  innit  :wink:

edit: she just told me off for poor use of english as well :s


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Skipback said

edit: did someone mention revolution?
ill grab me afghan scarf and berret…

For goodness' sake don't mention revolution and afghan in the same post or they'll lock you up for 42 days without charge  :wink:

<b>Mister Wild</b>
'91 Rivage leather


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Skipback said

work to pay ratio is the amount of work actually done devided by the ammount we actually get paid.

so for me,

im a civil servant (boo hiss)
i get paid 16,400 a year (yeah that little, and im not that low either, i design and monitor computer networks for the british armed forces… and im on less then the people they employ in there call center) i work a 40 hour week,  including nights. and in a day i do 7 hours of actual solid work, in other words im constantly busy from the moment i sit down to when i go home, its been advised 3 people should do the work i do on my own, in short, its management speak for exactly how much work they are getting out of me for how much they are paying me.

so its the fact "the man" works us dammed hard and pays us very little across the board, until you reach upper management which is where the figures get bent somewhat, as they do little work and get paid lots, thus bending the arc.

i really hope that made sense, my sister was dictating it to me and frankly it made little sense to me.

i do computters  innit  :wink:

edit: she just told me off for poor use of english as well :s

Maybe it would be better to let your sister type it in? I see where you're coming from, I guess its an individual's choice/problem in their particular career path. I've chosen a 'career' which has little/no job security, but when I am working, I am paid by the hour, at a high hourly rate. And its not a demanding job.



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MisterWild said

Skipback said

edit: did someone mention revolution?
ill grab me afghan scarf and berret…

For goodness' sake don't mention revolution and afghan in the same post or they'll lock you up for 42 days without charge  :wink:

hey hey hey, rivage's are bloody cold in the winter, thats what im talking about..

honest guv…

no put the handcuffs away…


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paul_c said

Skipback said

work to pay ratio is the amount of work actually done devided by the ammount we actually get paid.

so for me,

im a civil servant (boo hiss)
i get paid 16,400 a year (yeah that little, and im not that low either, i design and monitor computer networks for the british armed forces… and im on less then the people they employ in there call center) i work a 40 hour week,  including nights. and in a day i do 7 hours of actual solid work, in other words im constantly busy from the moment i sit down to when i go home, its been advised 3 people should do the work i do on my own, in short, its management speak for exactly how much work they are getting out of me for how much they are paying me.

so its the fact "the man" works us dammed hard and pays us very little across the board, until you reach upper management which is where the figures get bent somewhat, as they do little work and get paid lots, thus bending the arc.

i really hope that made sense, my sister was dictating it to me and frankly it made little sense to me.

i do computters  innit  :wink:

edit: she just told me off for poor use of english as well :s

Maybe it would be better to let your sister type it in? I see where you're coming from, I guess its an individual's choice/problem in their particular career path. I've chosen a 'career' which has little/no job security, but when I am working, I am paid by the hour, at a high hourly rate. And its not a demanding job.

its the amount of actual work you do in the period you attend work.

skip does 3 peoples roles at work, so thats 21 hours work in an 8 hour period (allowing for lunch thats 7)

its not the hours your at work - its how much work they squeeze out of you while there divided by the amount "the man" pays you.

make sense?

- kiri.
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