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Failed M.O.T


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Failed M.O.T

I thought it was gonna be some sailing when I brought my car in but oh no it all went Pete Tong on me :cry: .
Car failed on:-
1. Two bald front tyres which I never knew about because they have only been on 6months. Both tyres are worn on the inside edge but I had the front wheels so called tracked which cost me ?50 3months back.
2. Exhaust blowin which is a slight leak at the joint
3. One of the rear fog lights not workin which I fixed in 2secs
4. Front spot light not workin. A loose connection
5. Rear number plate bulb blown. 35p and two screws
6. OSF headlight shines low.
7. Leaking cv boot

I thought the bloke who as the garage would have checked it over first as I know him and it was part of the deal but he's gone to the TT races and left an idiot in charge :evil: .

I'm fuming as I have fixed 80% of the jobs and was told the exhaust and tyres should be a warning because there not that bad.Doesn't look like I'm going to Tatton Park now as my car needed taxing so I'll have to wait till monday to get back on the road :banghead: .

mk1 silver campaign totally standard lowered on coilovers magic tree vanilla

Just had a full outer body restore


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Been lookin everywhere the past week for mot certificate so I could tax the car before it run out. Just found it and when did it run out. Today
 :evil:  :banghead:  :evil:  :banghead:

mk1 silver campaign totally standard lowered on coilovers magic tree vanilla

Just had a full outer body restore


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:lmao:  :tlc:


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Dj Ev has your car been lowered? This can cause excess wear or inner scrubbage.

The hardest job is the cv boot and that's a doddle. Easy to get her on the road…. Cheer up :D

I used to own a mk1 - well I've had 2 actually - YDU 720X & SMU 420Y. Currently I drive an 98 Scotia White Mitsubishi Evolution V RS…. fancy getting another mk1 someday :D


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Even if the tracking was done, unless the camber angles on the front suspension have been set the tyres will scrub off really quick.  Adjustment is via an excentric bolt on the suspension leg where it joins the top of the hub.  You might want to order new ones before you try though - they tend to snap/round off and need cutting off.  I get my suspension setup at a place with a lazer machine which gives castor, camber, and toe reading electronically.

That fail list isn't the end of the world though - not too bad at all really.


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Thanx for the support but I'm still hacked off. The car had gas suspension on which I changed to standard and is only lowered by 20mm. I then had to have the steering digitally realigned on this jig thing which cost me ?50 so this should have sorted out the tyre wear. I even got a print out from the machine that sorted out the steering.
I should be back on the road for monday but wanted to take the car to tatton. Oh well looks like its the boring Honda

mk1 silver campaign totally standard lowered on coilovers magic tree vanilla

Just had a full outer body restore


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Dj Ev just got back from Tatton and it was naff! Only 2 Mk1's there…. mine(in the car park) and a Red cab with zender grille which was for sale. To top it off no MK1 goodies in the autojumble and I got wet. Not impressed :(

I used to own a mk1 - well I've had 2 actually - YDU 720X & SMU 420Y. Currently I drive an 98 Scotia White Mitsubishi Evolution V RS…. fancy getting another mk1 someday :D


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I'd set off with my 2 girls @ 3pm to get there for the last hour but it started rainin so I turned around. Was gonna have a picnic their 2moz is it worth goin for the kidz?

mk1 silver campaign totally standard lowered on coilovers magic tree vanilla

Just had a full outer body restore


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If they like classic cars that are not Mk1's then yup! A few fairground type jobbies like a haunted house, cant really remember what else! :lol:

It was nice to have a walk round and see what on the classic scene.

There was a gorgeous Jag xk150 fixed head :drool:

a bentley blower (must be worth a few $$$$$$$)…….

what else hmmmmm….. I actually really liked a silver datsun (the one which copied the ferrari 250 gto) but i dont know what model its called.

Loads of nice cars.

I might be going to Salmesbury with Dano for the CGTI meet if you fancy it. (Thats open to everyone by the way!) PM Dano. We can sneak a little meet in b4 the next NW meet lol  :lol:

I used to own a mk1 - well I've had 2 actually - YDU 720X & SMU 420Y. Currently I drive an 98 Scotia White Mitsubishi Evolution V RS…. fancy getting another mk1 someday :D


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Mini meets!

What the………. Do i sense a mutiny going on here!! I'M THE NW MEET CO ORDINATOR………ME……WALT!!…….NOT KINS OR DANO…..ME!..ME!..ME!…My goodness you work a couple of night shifts and there's a power vacuum!! Where is my invite!!? :scratch:


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Check your PM's Walt.

Where's your stiff Northern upper lip? I had the slightest inkling that your bottom lip was beginning to quiver!

Quick hide it so the SW boys don't see and think we're softies!!



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Looks like its tight tee-shirts again to prove our man-ly-ness andthat we not soft on thurs. Just done a nightshift and I'm not goin to bed coz I have to sort car out. Dont wanna miss next meet…

mk1 silver campaign totally standard lowered on coilovers magic tree vanilla

Just had a full outer body restore


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NW meet!

Thats the spirit DjEv! You can do it!….I'm gonna post some Info about the meet details on various entries on the site! Thus increasing the power of the North West Massive! (Tight T shirts and WWF style sun glasses optional!)….Walt! :nerd:


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I'm not wearing a tight T-shirt with my pigeon chest!!!

Big chunky jumpers are the way forward….everyone knows that, even your mum Walt!!!



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Walts mum does not wear baggy jumpers! Shes soo hot phwoar..... MILF! Walt tell your mum i said hi :wink:

I used to own a mk1 - well I've had 2 actually - YDU 720X & SMU 420Y. Currently I drive an 98 Scotia White Mitsubishi Evolution V RS…. fancy getting another mk1 someday :D


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my mum

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