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Do you fancy running a 'register'?


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Do you fancy running a 'register'?

Right now we've got two covered, but it's been suggested that we might have two more.

The Campaign Register- You all know what this is a about and I'll run this one for continuities sake.

Series 1 - Old dash - For those original original Golfs, Rajan (dubboy) has volunteered to track down how many of these are still alive.

So it would be good if we had a couple of interested volunteers (who preferably own examples of the breed) who'd like to run….

The Cabriolet register - For all of those soft top types!


The Series 2 - New Dash - All the Mk1s that filled up the years after the Series 1.

Let me know!



Once a Mk1 fan, always a Mk1 Fan...


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         What would be involved :?:

Simon :)

'83 Mars Red GTI


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Hi Drew,

I'd like to run the cabrio register please. I have both a Cabrio and a new-dash hatchback. I'm always torn between which car I like best but for some reason I'd prefer to run the Cabrio one, maybe i'm a hair dresser deep down inside! Or its because the poor Cabrio has hardly any web presence as of yet over the tin top and would like to help give it some.




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Basically it's just a case of approving cars that go on to the list, and handling any changes of owner updates. Pretty simple really. It doesn't involve much work.

I'm going to try to get most of this automated through the site, so we don't have to muck about with the database directly.

There should be a series of forms, add, approve, delete, modify etc, for each register with the owner as the 'admin'.



Once a Mk1 fan, always a Mk1 Fan...


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         I'll have a go at running the Series 2 register. Could be lots of entries in this group.

Simon :)

'83 Mars Red GTI


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Sorted then…. that was easy!



Once a Mk1 fan, always a Mk1 Fan...
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