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Club Update.


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Club Update.


Sorry for being quiet on this subject for a while, but having got the committee organised we're all going on holidays at the moment!  :roll:

However, things are moving forwards!

We'll be asking for your contact information shortly so our treasurer can start building a membership database. We should have an account and a PO Box open soon so you can send in membership fees by cheque/post. We will also have a paypal system for those of you who spend too much time browsing ebay!  :wink:

We're aiming at getting this running by the beginning of July at the latest, hopefully sooner.

Remember, membership will be ?10 until the end of the year and will include free entry to the Rally in August.

We hope to have a range of sample merchandise based on the soon to be finalised Club Logo at the Rally.

Details of club discounts for insurance etc will also be disclosed soon.

Thanks for your patience, lots of donkey work to do at the moment and typically work gets busy just when you need some free time! Look out for further updates and standby for the 'big launch'!



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