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Club Organisation


Now we've got that tedious website business out of the way it's time to have a look at getting the Club from '2 star solex carb mode' up into 'full fat k-jetronic'  :wink: (Enough of the dodgy metaphors methinks!)

Many people have volunteered their assistance over the last few months and I shall be going though all of these and making contact in the next few weeks. If you are interested in helping out in the 'real' world, then let me know though!

So here is the list…

1. I will get the 'logo' voting underway shortly.
2. Volunteer needed to investigate options on making the logos, badges, pins, hats, teashirts etc
3. Scout for a suitable inaugural AGM location (this would just be for prospective committee members and anyone else interested, but not a 'show' or 'meet' this time around - just to get the club going, hopefully soon-ish too)
4. Check financial position - me! (and then hand over to treasurer!! Yippee!)
5. Work on an agenda for the inaugural AGM.

Items to include : Election of committee, plan for annual meet, offline membership options; show attendance (regional/national) etc


Stay tuned, 2005 we *really* get going!



Once a Mk1 fan, always a Mk1 Fan...


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I can possibly help with getting stuff made up like badges, pins, hats, teashirts etc  I have a friend who does this for a living. Can get some free sample made up if I have a copy of logo etc. in jpg format.

would have sent you private message, but for some reaon that page doesn't like working through my webserver, but it's probably a problem with my network, not the site.


1983 White cabriolet GTi


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Drew stick me down for number 3 if you like as I can go and view Midlandsish places.

Crazyquiff's Mk1 Golf Parts Emporium - you know you want to….


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I would love to do number 3 for the south-west  :)

mk1 golf driver, gti wannabe


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what kind of place are you looking for for 3?

(south East, you know it has to be ;))

how about a quiet night at the Ace Cafe?

Mk1 Golf 16V Conversion FAQ Zip, now located at in the Forum WIKI section:


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Agenda proposal for a full day meeting with lunch:

1. Welcome and Introduction (10 mins)
2. Club Objectives and Plan (20 mins)
3. Support from VW (10 mins)
4. Current Finance Status (10 mins)
5. Membership Process and Fee Setting (20 mins)
6. Accounting Procedure (15 mins)
7. Web Site (Back Ups, Hardware, etc) (20 mins)
8. Organisations to Target for Discounts, etc (20 mins)
9. Committee Organisation and Election (30 mins)
10. 2005 Events (30 mins)
11. Merchandising (30 mins)
12. National / Regional Discussion (20 mins)
13. Agree Minutes/Actions & Next Meeting Date (15 mins)
14. AOB (30 mins)

Maybe a bit long, but if peeps are travelling some distance it needs to be comprehensive and worthwhile.

Proposal for Committee (depending on objectives for club):

Club Secretary
Membership Secretary
Events Co-ordinator
IT Co-ordinator
Merchandising Co-ordinator
Register & Historic Co-ordinator

For me, the number of people required for running the club is also linked to the amount of time each individual can commit to supporting it.




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Drew, there's no particular field I can help with from point of view of working at a handy place for supplies etc!

However, as volunteered at the meet, I am more than willing to help with any aspect and willing to put myself up for committee. I hope to soon become Secretary for my archery club so maybe that will bring some experience (I just like wearing the short skirts and painting my nails really!) Other than that I've experience on the marketing and events/show side.

Nuff of blowing my trumpet, but I'm available! :wink:



1983 MK1 Golf GTI Campaign Model - Under (looooong) resto!
1962 Rover P4 80
2002 BMW 745i
2008 BMW Z4 2.5Si


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HI Drew

Said I would help out with the treasury post.

I could also help with the local rep positon for Yorkshire if that was vacant. I may have some help with the latter as  a good mate of mine has a campaign and would no doubt help with local matters.

Let me know



MK1 Golf GTi Campaign:Alpine White, Vauxhall Omega MV6, Alpina B10 3.3 Touring, Dolomite Sprint, MG ZT V6, Volvo T5 R estate  6C2B5B6F-1CA5-44CA-A93C-6B7F5206CD7F.jpeg


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And if your looking for a rep for the south west Drew, I'd love to help and again I have a friend who is also heavily into the MK1 who would also be up for doing this.

Anyhting else that you need help with, just let me know.

Turbo Technics MK1 Golf GTI's - where are you ?


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How about setting up a poll to determine where we are all from, interest in meeting and as such a feasible split of the regions?

I propose a poll for:
W Scotland
E Scotland
North East
North West
W Midlands
E Midlands
London/Home Counties
South East
South West
N Ireland

Is that a fair spread at least geograpically so not too far to travel in our Mk1s? Then poll results could enhance any further splits for a first round regional set up. It is always difficult to compromise between distance and numbers.



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if at all possible could we do the poll by county? just that the southwest is a big place, bristol is still nearly 200 miles from myself (cornwall)


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:dontknow:  Second that  as Swindon  is in an akward spot , not south west not central not south  :?  8O

If Its Loud and Noisy , I'll take its picture


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I'm from Northern Ireland :D


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I can get envolved as much as required for London / Home Counties.

Live right on South Herts/London border at mo :)

Mk1 Golf 16V Conversion FAQ Zip, now located at in the Forum WIKI section:


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being part of the edition38 crew me and noddy will help with the show being doing this for a long time and know most of the pit falls alsowould help out at the agm noddys very good doing all this being one of the over 500 crew as well


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Just bringing this back to the fore again.

Can we have venue nominations again?

I'm suggesting the Gaydon location again.

Pro's : Nice, central, familiar, go karts
Cons : Only a cafe, not particularly near anyone

Lets have them and get an AGM booked soon!



Once a Mk1 fan, always a Mk1 Fan...


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As per other post, Gaydon is as good as any I guess. Where ever we go will always be a long way from someone but it's central England.
Ref the statement of a cafe only, if we are making this big as you state in your other post Drew, can we not invite caterers in - i.e. burger vans etc. I'm assuming they'd have to pay Gaydon/us a fee for the honour but would give a bit more variety.

(Unless of course someone wants to volunteer to bring along a BBQ? 8) )



1983 MK1 Golf GTI Campaign Model - Under (looooong) resto!
1962 Rover P4 80
2002 BMW 745i
2008 BMW Z4 2.5Si


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I was really thinking of having two separate events this time around. One for the AGM and one for the show.

The AGM would be to get the business of the club going for interested people, and not really a show (come in your mk1 if you can though), whereas the show would be the full business, but without the complexity of running an AGM at the same time.

Thoughts people?



Once a Mk1 fan, always a Mk1 Fan...
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