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Calendar 2012


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Calendar 2012

Hairyarse said

That's still good growth, from memory I only used to get 25-30 printed, all we could sell!

In fairness, I think the reason was partly that it was for sale around February or so. This tradition continued for a number of years. This is the first year its been (well, still chance to mess it up) ready in reasonable time so sales might be meaningful, instead of just the usual core of 20-30 members and those with their cars in it.



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Tian said

BigNormRivage said

How many is 'limited' jb, or is it not decided yet?

Fat Boy Slim has set his record straight without answering any of the questions. :)

No worries Matt, seriously though I think what people actually wanted to know was how many and when? No offense but I don't think anybody's bothered who looks at it before it heads off to the digital press so long as it's right.


T :D
The amount isn't important what is important is if you definitely want one buy it as soon as they are available to avoid disappointment :wink:

Dont ask what your club can do for you, but what can you do for your club?


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cheers for the insult T

as to the qaunity these are limited in number so buy them quick as there will not be another run… till next year :lmao:

as to the date once the nessesary people have looked at the proof and altered to suit then i would assume a week at the printers

we are looking at the end of November for delivery date :)



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When they are available I will be wanting 2 me thinks ??


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jellybelly said

cheers for the insult T

lol must of missed that one. :D

Usual quantity of 100 then…

I'm all excited. I'll sign them for a small fee if ya like.

T :mrgreen:


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paul_c said

Hairyarse said

That's still good growth, from memory I only used to get 25-30 printed, all we could sell!

In fairness, I think the reason was partly that it was for sale around February or so. This tradition continued for a number of years. This is the first year its been (well, still chance to mess it up) ready in reasonable time so sales might be meaningful, instead of just the usual core of 20-30 members and those with their cars in it.

To my knowledge (Tian can confirm) the calendars for at least the past couple of years have always been ready and on sale before Xmas aint they ?
Maybe in the early days 06-08 maybe they was on sale February time


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Since I've been doing them they've gone on sale before Christmas, I know as I'm the mug going to the Post Office with them! Last year we even had them out in time for the NEC and managed to sell a few there too.

One of the easiest years was when Mark did most of the selling and Donna did the posting. Great teamwork that was and way back in 2009.

So just to clarify the calendar has been on sale before Christmas for years now and will be again this year so keep the faith Paul, Matt has it covered!

You're call Matt but pre-orders might not be a bad idea. I'd be thinking of putting up a new thread with prices, last posting dates for Christmas both national and international and links to pay.

Like I say, just being helpful so don't take offense.

T  :D


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already on it Tian just been a bit bogged down with NEC things

the pre order and sale thread will start next week :)



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put me down for a calender please . 8)

B reg cab


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Whoop!! A fraction of me is in October 2012!! :)


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Just seen on the club shop you can pre order them but nowhere to click to do such a thing.

Or is it just me?


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sorry ceri

i'm just sorting this out, should be sorted later tonight or first thing tomorrow

please bare with me as i have to get it all working first, i have to make it live before i can check :)



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It's there alright ceri. Top left on the toolbar.

Must pre order mine now…

Cheers Hugh. - vw golf parts and genuine accessories!



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Sorted now.

Just pre ordered one.

Suprised to see payment needed upfront for a pre order tho.

Cant wait to get one now.


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it is there but not quite ready ceri you've ordered yours already

you must have been super quick with that one, advert was only live for a few minutes

for thos who have there images in the calender you recieved a discount so i shall pm you with the discount code to enter before monday

the advert will go live on Monday everyone so get ready!!  :)



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Didnt know people with pics in had a discount :-(

Didnt realise I was that quick, was just browsing the stock on there.


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no worries mate

i shall refund you and you can get your discount :)



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How much was the discount?

PM me if its easier.

Might be pointless with the charges paypal put on.


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pm sent norm :)

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