Are women really better drivers than men?
(In Topic #77162)
Local Hero

Are women really better drivers than men?

Settled In

Depends on the definition of "better" :wink:
Think men have a greater in built desire to drive in most cases…

Old Timer

mk1 silver campaign totally standard lowered on coilovers magic tree vanilla
Just had a full outer body restore
Just had a full outer body restore

Settled In

is there somewhere we can post without women seeing

Old Timer

I'll get my coat now
GTI Campaign Helios Blue, Going back Standard
GTI Campaign Schwartz Black shouldn't have sold
GTI Mk7 Performance pack Daily drive
Polo 1.4sel Sunset Orange The Wife's
Triumph Tiger
GTI Campaign Schwartz Black shouldn't have sold
GTI Mk7 Performance pack Daily drive
Polo 1.4sel Sunset Orange The Wife's
Triumph Tiger
Old Timer

They can't even drive a supermarket trolley (and I have the bruises to prove it !!!
The only 'driving' they are good at is DRIVING MEN MAD !!!
Ever since this 'equality' thing started they THINK they are better at everything !
….and look at what happened when they let a WOMAN run the country!!!!!
…that's it, you've started me off now Walt…..going to have a BAD HAIR DAY….
Owning a Mk1 cabby is a vertical learning curve…
1989 Mk1 Clipper 1.8 automatic - Sadly now up for sale - medical issues dictate)
1999 (Nov) Passat S Saloon 1.9 TDI (AFN) - TUG 1 (Remap by CCC ( - **** …..change pants !!) with cruise control
2000 (Mar) Passat Sport Estate 1.9 TDI (ATJ) 5 speed automatic with Tiptronic - TUG 2 (Remap and cruise control by CCC)
1989 Mk1 Clipper 1.8 automatic - Sadly now up for sale - medical issues dictate)
1999 (Nov) Passat S Saloon 1.9 TDI (AFN) - TUG 1 (Remap by CCC ( - **** …..change pants !!) with cruise control
2000 (Mar) Passat Sport Estate 1.9 TDI (ATJ) 5 speed automatic with Tiptronic - TUG 2 (Remap and cruise control by CCC)


The thread is just another one of his poor attempts to identify female drivers on the site!!! and then PM them to death!!!!!
So far I can only see male replies to the topic… and that may cheer him up too!!! 8O

Settling In

Settled In

Racing is life . Anything before or after is just waiting - Steve McQueen
Old Timer

i think im a pretty good driver! my hubby agrees but only cuz he has too!
in having the auto on the road for 2 weeks ive managed to instill the fear of god into my husband so much that even the offer of him drinking and me driving wont make him give up the driving seat! Even though im preg and obviously can't drink, he'd sooner not drink too rather than allow me to drive!
The main reasons for this are
1. i went into a parking space at tesco, saw a post right in front of me , froze and forgot whether my foot was on the accelerator or brake so had to look to check. i then stopped about 6 inches form the post. husband went crazy shouting and if anything slowed down my reactions.
2. i keep wandering into other peoples' lanes on roundabouts. apparently i would have taken someone out but there has never been any cars in the other lane.
I reckon men are more critical of womens' driving as they expect it to be bad and pick up on every little thing. also some women dont feel very confident so draw attention to their faults! men just ignore their faults or blame them on the innocent woman driver in front.
(and by the way can someone look in the restoration thread and help me out asap)
1983 MK1 Tintop
1968 Karmann Ghia
1994 Passat VR6
1996 Passat Diesel
1968 Karmann Ghia
1994 Passat VR6
1996 Passat Diesel

Settled In

I have only ever had ONE accident (17 years ago) and I will NEVER sneeze again while sitting in a queue of traffic in gear, without the handbrake on!

It's interesting to see the usual 'boysterous' comments on here and I loved this one…
Dano Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 12:36 pm Post subject:
Now correct me if I'm wrong….. but isnt Walt always on the lookout for a female who wont pack him in?
I'm sure there's a witty remark I could make in there somewhere!

Seems this thread has 'touched a nerve' for Prowler too :tlc: :wink:
I personally think that, yes, most men do seem to have an in-built desire to drive and I know that there aren't as many women who love to drive (with some exceptions - myself included), but if statistics show that women are better drivers, who am I to argue? :mrgreen:
1985 MK1 Black Cabrio almost immaculate
1972 1300 Beetle Bright Orange covered in flowers Stocker almost immaculate
1972 1300 Beetle Bright Orange covered in flowers Stocker almost immaculate
Settling In

Prowler said
going to have a BAD HAIR DAY….
Prowler comment was rather a femine

Life Member

Are women really better drivers than men?
'Fraid so!
Maybe not in the 'best lairy lap time' but certainly in the 'less likely to have a crash or show off to their mates' categories.

Once a Mk1 fan, always a Mk1 Fan...
Settling In

Also, my wife drives better than me

sorry chaps for letting the side down

Local Hero

1983 Mars Red 1.8 Golf GTI
1987 Alpine White 1.8 Clipper Cabriolet
The trouble with doing nothing is that you never know when you are finished.
1987 Alpine White 1.8 Clipper Cabriolet
The trouble with doing nothing is that you never know when you are finished.


This week has seen the closest accident for me in decades!!!
I was travelling to work the other morning when the Sugarbabes came on the radio….. "my sexy ass has got him going in the wrong direction…."
well obviously my thoughts weren't on the road ahead more about their subject matter. I hadnt seen the double decker pushing its way up the hill. The rover 75 driver bottled it and pulled up sharpish to the nearside and that left me with one option…..
To find out just how good the Road Champs really are!!!!
After a lot of skidding, me almost standing up on the pedals and smoke issuing, the car stopped with about 4" to go!!!!
That was close, very close. I didn't even have time to insult the bus driver as I slid past!!!!!!!
Local Hero



Settled In

1985 MK1 Black Cabrio almost immaculate
1972 1300 Beetle Bright Orange covered in flowers Stocker almost immaculate
1972 1300 Beetle Bright Orange covered in flowers Stocker almost immaculate
Settled In

Personally I reckon men are better (C'mon fella's, I know your all thinking the same)…'s the idiot's that let us down.
85 Polo squareback
Local Hero

Boys v girls!
My argument falls flat on its face however if the chick argueing with me is hot as hell! In which case she is right! Of course!

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