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53 in a 30! Ooops


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53 in a 30! Ooops

I think there has to be signs for Gatso, but if using a van it's has to be clearly marked and visable, so you can see when parked up i.e on motorway bridges. if a normal traffic patrol car they can park any where (not in a dangous postion) and as for been visable well how do you explain unmarked cars !!

GTI Campaign Helios Blue, Going back Standard
GTI Campaign Schwartz Black shouldn't have sold
GTI Mk7 Performance pack Daily drive
Polo 1.4sel Sunset Orange The Wife's
Triumph Tiger


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Had to take my other half to court yesterday…

He got caught by a mobile camera van thing (parked in a layby behind a line of trucks) in December - He was caught at 101 mph in a 70 and came away with 5 points and a ?235 fine.

He's very lucky but I think it does just depend on the Magistrates' mood on the day….. Definately helps to dress smart and offer NO excuses for your irresponsible behaviour - total remorse is the way to go I reckon!


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Mobile cameras have got me twice now in the last few years. I didn't even see the van the last time and judging by the pic is was on the other side of the road! There were permanent speed camera signs on the road though. I'm just extra cautious now when I see fixed ones. Got away with 3 points and a ?60 fine for that one which I thought was lucky seeing as it was a 60 limit.

The other time I was stopped was in my student days when I had a Mini averaging 60 in a 40 after over taking a Metro  8) It was dark on a dual carriageway and the cop car that stopped me was so close behind I couldnt tell it was a cop car. I'd sped up to try and make more space between me and it!  :banghead: It wasn't until I ducked down that I could see the blue lights it was that close. Should have said something about entrapment to them but I was too much in shock!

I know theres no excuse for speeding but I think safe use of speed should be accepted more than it is.


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Expensive bit of photography there :lol: Do they send you a pic or do you have to request it?

Seems that all emphasis is put on catching speeders. I never hear of drivers being prosecuted for equally or far more dangerous manoeuvres such as pulling out in front of vehicles on fast roundabouts, tailgating, cars cutting up one another on high speed slip roads, not indicating etc. The majority of accidents I see on the roads appear to have been caused by people running into the back of one another when braking or into the side of each other at junctions. None of these require excessive speed to occur.

1981 1600 GTI (coming to a road near you soon…)

1983 1100 C


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It all depends on what county youre in! Sometimes they don't even tell you how fast you were going on the NIP (Notice of Intended Procecution) that they send you through the post.

It was in Wiltshire that I got that lovely pic taken (Devon to Southampton all the way with the top down!  8)). The NIP had a web address and log in details! There was a map showing which stretch of road I'd been nabbed on as well!

If you say you can't remember who was driving at the time you can quite often get off the prosecution if the pics dont show you face. You can request them if you don't get them with the NIP. The Police have to work on you pleading guilty. Beware however as you may go to court and if you are found guilty then the fine + court fees may be much greater than the original fine.
I've never tried my luck but I know someone that has. He's got away with probably 6 offences but has got stung about ?400 for court fees with his latest offence!


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Had my court apperance today…..

6 Points, ?200 fine & ?43 costs  :evil:

Looks like i'll have to be a bit more careful in future!!
I also have a road angel now!  :lol:




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EDIT - what I put here before was unbelievably dumb!

Hope not too many people saw it  :oops:


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RESULT  8)  :lol:

I got caught doin 65 in a 30 (only 200 yards of the double lane road was 30 limit), i tried to beat the  traffic lights and never seen the gatso til it was too late (not that late tho' think i was doin over 80 b4 the anchors were slammed on!!! :oops: )

Got the summons thru and sent the letter away pleedin guilty, said i was drivin on an unfamilliar road (50 miles from home - goin to look at a g60 raddo) and didn'y realise that it was not a dual carriage way.
Got off with 3 points and a ?100 fine, thought i was banned for sure! :dontknow:


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Liam said

Had my court apperance today…..

6 Points, ?200 fine & ?43 costs  :evil:

Looks like i'll have to be a bit more careful in future!!
I also have a road angel now!  :lol:

FWIW, I got a similiar fine for 97 on the M6 (J21a). I got 4 points for my troubles as well. I pleaded guilty at the earliest opportunity and took it on the chin.

The fact I'd been getting away with it for years was a slight concelation
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