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wot is this plz


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wot is this plz

hi all can anyone help and tell me wot this is plz

thx all it would be a great help


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Top pic no idea looks like 'Heath Robinson' bodge to join pipes .

Tube try ………any good motor factors or hardware store they usually sell it by the meter


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Looks like a one way valve on the top pic joining the pipes, don't know why it is there though.
Take the pipes apart if there are some internals, eg spring and steel ball, its a one way valve.

As for the pipe, yes motor factors or local compressed air specialist may well do it.


"Video et taceo"


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hi thx the top pic is next to the fuel pump wear the accumlater is suposed to be any one no why am i better getting acccumlater or wot thx billly


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one way valve !!

to replace accumlator , good idea i suppose  :dontknow:

I would fit as VW intended

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