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Solved Cutting Out prob!


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Solved Cutting Out prob!

SOLVED! My GTI would idle all day long yet fail under load. Turned out to be the tiny filter in the end of the fuel pump under the car. ill post some pics of the offender later.

86 Christmas Collection Cabby GTi in Saphire Blau!


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nope still there its got to be the tank! when i drained it the fuel was brown and would "move" with a magnet! looks like a new tank, filters, car....... :banghead:

86 Christmas Collection Cabby GTi in Saphire Blau!


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i discovered a 50p sized hole in the top of my fuel filler neck yesterday, im dreading what my filters going to be like, did the magnet thing pull up any debris, or did it just stick to the tank?

rebuild in progress....


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cabriaulait said

 … did the magnet thing pull up any debris, or did it just stick to the tank?

I had a go at cleaning my tank out with a telecopic magnet a few weeks ago - it seemed to work ok (I got quite a bit of rust out) but it did stick to the tank wall & inspection hole as I pulled it back out.
Still worth doing I would say along with a new fuel filter - once you have done the tank.

Black Cabbie


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Cleaned the tank last night ant the amount of muck that came out was unbelievable and worst of all it was very fine almost like sand - not good! if youurs hasnt been done, do it. solves a helluva lot of problems. Bytheway this is the second one ive done! (not on this baby tho!)

86 Christmas Collection Cabby GTi in Saphire Blau!


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Hi Doug,

So how did you go about cleaning it out? Could you be sure that all the muck was out. I remember someone saying they found it impossible to get all the muck out and went and bought a new tank! I think I might need to do this job soon  :banghead: The neck has previously been changed but there is still muck in the tank.




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1/ Drain Fuel
2/ remove wheels
3/ remove top shox nut
4/ drop axle as low as possible
5/ unclip everything inc sender unit - making sure petrol dont get in your eyes or gob :sick:
6/unbolt tank with 5 bolts (2 front and 3 back)
7/ lift and lower tank over axle - mind those finger & lines tho!
8/ stand tank with filler neck lowest (need to plug this open -peg is good)and jet wash the tank through the sender unit hole, tapping outside with rubber mallet.
9/ repeat step 8 until water runs clear ( 5-6 times)
10/ put back together & fire-up ( will take some doing and WD40)

Ideally if your able to use an airline to blow water and leftover from tank and through the fuel lines.

Replace all filters including the one in the pump & uplifter.

if you dont know what your doing it'll take you 5-6hrs and Haynes, last nite it took me and a mate 3hrs - and an hour of that was flushing tank!

a simple effective job.

86 Christmas Collection Cabby GTi in Saphire Blau!


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Cheers Doug, I'll have a go sometime. I guess using water to flush isn't a problem if you make sure its fully dry before using it.

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