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GTI not starting


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GTI not starting

My '88 GTi cab won't start. The problem started when I was out in her and the fuel was very low. I pulled away from some lights and went round a corner and she just cut out suddenly. No stuttering like you'd normally get with fuel running low, just cut out suddenly.

Since then if you attempt to start her, the first time she will almost catch. It'll sound like it's started, but then die away again. If you continue trying you'll get nothing. If you leave it a few minutes and try again, you'll get the same again, first time will almost start, then nothing. Here's what I've tried -

1. Putting easy start through the air intake she runs fine.
2. I've taken off the feed to the fuel filter and there's no fuel arriving there.
3. Fuse for the fuel pump is fine
4. I've replaced the fuel pump relay with a brand new one
5. I've replaced the fuel transfer pump (the one in the tank)

Even after all this, I'm still getting the same symptoms. Until now I hadn't bothered with the fuel pump thinking it was hard to get to. I've just gone looking and found it right next to the drivers side of the car. Listening down there while trying to turn the car over I can't hear anything coming from the pump. Saying that I can't hear anything from the fuel transfer pump either.

My next step was going to be to try replacing the fuel pump? Any thoughts?

Black Mk1 Golf GTi Cab - My website


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Have you tried putting more fuel in it?



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Ooops, missed that part. I was about 100 metres from the petrol station so I walked straight over and got a can full thinking that's all it probably was. Didn't start after 1 can so put a second in just to make sure :)  So it should have between 8 and 10 litres in the tank

Black Mk1 Golf GTi Cab - My website


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You need to find out if the fuel pump(s) are definitely working or not. You should be able to hear them, by listening closely.

If they are, and its not starting, then it could be the battery voltage is low. What happens is during starting, the voltage drops, then the fuel pump can't pump at high enough pressure to open the injectors and provide fuel to start the car. It can be jump started off a running car or push started though.



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The battery was low. I kept trying to charge it but it wouldn't hold a charge. So I've tried at least a dozen times on different occasions (the cars been stood for about 3 months with this problem) to jump the car both from a pickup truck and a car, symptoms are the same each time.

Today when I picked up the fuel pump relay I also bought a new battery. So with a brand new fully charged battery I tried it again, with the same result. So I'm fairly confident it's not the power to the starting circuit.

I have tried listening to both the transfer pump and the main fuel pump, and can't hear any noise from either of them. Not sure how audible they normally are but I've had my ear right next to the main fuel pump while the car was cranked (and nearly started) and still couldn't hear anything.

That help any?

Black Mk1 Golf GTi Cab - My website


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Do you have a multimeter? see if they're getting 12V power, if not then its some kind of electrical issue. If they are, then the fuel pump is broken



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Right ok, I don't personally have one but I've got someone coming round tomorrow that does, I'll have him bring his.

Can I ask how you know so much about the Golf? Is there some resource I'm missing with all this info or just stuff you've worked out from playing with Golf's? However you know it, your help is much appreciated :)

Black Mk1 Golf GTi Cab - My website


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Had a play today. First checked voltages. Had power to fuel tansfer pump, but not fuel pump.Did sanity check on fuse and relay to make sure hadn't missed anything and -


I have the red service manual for the cabby. The service manual has a pick of the relays and fuses on one diagram. Then underneath a table saying whats what. I looked at the table, it said fuel pump in position 5, so that's the one I replaced. Turns out i'm stupid. The table underneath the diagram is for the fuses, relay table is on the next page!! So it's fuse in position 5, and relay 2 I should be checking. Gave the relay in position 2 a tug, and it wouldn't come out. Turns out it had blown and was welded in place. Managed to get replacement and put it in, and vrooom, for first time in 3 months she fired up. :-)

Thanks for the help Paul. Now back to trying to fix the suspension, but thats a story for a different forum :-)

Black Mk1 Golf GTi Cab - My website
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