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fueltank, easyiest way to clean it out


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fueltank, easyiest way to clean it out

as aobve really, b ut without removing the tank prefebly, :D as i hate removing the tanks on these.

many thanks

i always have the last laugh ;)

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Way i have done it  in the past is to take out the sender unit (so you can get to the inside) and get a flexible piece of pipe with a big magnet on the end.Then torch in hand and give it a good dredge worked well for me before pulled up all the old rust.
Just try to run it nearly empty first and be carefull  :lol:


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cool  :D  will have a look at this at the weekend one slight problem, how did you keep the magnet attached??  :lol:  as i dont really want this falling of  :lol:  :lol:

many thanks


i always have the last laugh ;)

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Your best bet might be to get one of those telescopic magnets with a mirror that are sold by cheapy stores all over the place.

They cost peanuts, but should do the job admirably.

I've seen a small magnet (size of tictac), mounted alongside a mirror, and a larger magnet (size of three aspirin tablets) mounted on its own.

Whether you clean the tank out with them or not, they're great for recovering dropped bolts from inaccessible places - or for making sure they don't drop into inaccessible places in the first place when you remove them.


Ali Cabrio

Mars Red 1.8 GTi Cabrio 1985
Seat Covers
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Most of the stuff in mine was road debris, it even had bits of red brick in there!! 8O

Obviously a magnet won?t pull out any of that. People have reported Hoovering out the stuff via an old fuel pump or an airline pump?

1983 Mars Red 1.8 Golf GTI
1987 Alpine White 1.8 Clipper Cabriolet

The trouble with doing nothing is that you never know when you are finished.


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I used an AIR powered grit blast gun with an extended pick up hose to do mine , works just like a hoover , but being air powered is without the dangers . It sucked out loads of rusty bits and what looked like gravel  all via the sender unit hole . Any air powered gun will work just extend the pick up tube and have a big bucket to hand to collect the bits for safe disposal.

 :dontknow: Hope this helps …..Cheers…………


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could i use a hoover?  i have one of these ones that u wash carpets with and sucks the water bk up, obv its an old one and wont get used for anything else after but is it worth ago with it? obv i get the tank as empty as possible.

many thanks

p.s. how the hell did u get road debris in the tank?? and red brick lol

i always have the last laugh ;)

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8O  8O errrr… I wouldn't use a real vacuum cleaner. You need something with a pipe about the size of large fuel line.

In theory you could syphon it out into a bowl on the ground outside if you like the taste of petrol. :roll:

The road debris is thrown up from the wheel. Stick your head up the wheel arch and see how much mud there is, all that goes down your rusty filler pipe into the tank. This with the water that gets in then clogs everything up, makes it run like a dog and eventually knackers your meter head. :banghead:

1983 Mars Red 1.8 Golf GTI
1987 Alpine White 1.8 Clipper Cabriolet

The trouble with doing nothing is that you never know when you are finished.


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It will explode  :cry:

The only safe method is with an air compressor and suitable pick up gun , as described . The road dedris is easily digested when you have no fuel filler neck [because it has rusted away] . I wish i had kept the picture of my filler neck when i removed it and then you would see why .



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used an old 6x9 speaker magent today in the tank and had a fish about, pulld a fair bit out of it, not as much as i was expecting but will have to see if it makes a diffrence, lookd down in the tank with a torch and didnt see alot of crap. the other thing is the fuel tank sender bit that u pull out, the bit where it sucks it up with the little holes in it at the bopttom, this on mine had most of the holes bunged up, cleaned these out to.

thanks for the replys guys

much appreciated  :D

painted me rocker cover today to and the little strips of metal and my fan cover, got my audi smooth style door handles to, fitting them tomoz hopefully. then the custom manifolds to accpet the r6 carbs, and away she goes to the spray shop (when ive saved up  :oops:  :( )


i always have the last laugh ;)

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