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Bypassing fuel pump relay, dangerous?


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Bypassing fuel pump relay, dangerous?

My relay has died on me for fuel pump, it used to cut out then just stopped working, which has stopped then engine working, obviously.

A mechanic mate put a bit of cable between two main terminals - so was always on, when cable is in i have to have ignition on and running.
As soon as i turn engine off, i have to pull out the cable.

What i want to know is this dangerous, will the engine have any affect like running lean or rich? will enough fuel be getting to the engine at all times?

I have put an inline switch in, on the switch pannel so i can turn it on off withought moving down there.

This is until i get the problem sorted and buy a new relay from gsf, and try again.

Thanks for help

Simon R - YouTube

MGH 178Y - 16v - Gone :(

KHJ 888Y - Gone


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The relay is slightly more than just an electrically operated switch. It also has a timer in it to 'prime' or pre-pressurise the system when you turn on the car before firing up - if you've got a noisey pump you can hear the pump for a second or two. Bypassing the relay means the pump runs continuously the instant you bypass it….possibly causing too much fuel pressure….maybe

Incedently, I've done the same int the past in one my old rocco GTX and never experienced any ill side-effects, but I'd sort it asap if I was you.


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thanks for advice, it is in hand, another useful member from here is sorting me out with a whole new box and relays so thats good.
no problems with this so far
i let the fuel pump pressurise for about a second, based on what the normal turn on and buzz would do then fire engine up, then turn switch off when engine goes off.
so least its not that bad so far :) and advice for anyone with same problem if they read this in the future :D

Simon R - YouTube

MGH 178Y - 16v - Gone :(

KHJ 888Y - Gone


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Its dangerous because potentially, if you have a crash, the fuel pump wouldn't cut off if the engine stalls, meaning you could have fuel leaking everywhere and being pumped into the fire at 750cc/min or whatever, if the pipes split. So dangerous that the AA won't bypass it if your relay goes by the roadside. They'd put you on a recovery truck rather than bypass it and leave you to it. Its safe enough for moving a car around a workshop, during being fixed, or during troubleshooting though.

Mind you having said that, crashing itself has dangers….



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there you go….hadn't though of that.


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So dangerous that the AA won't bypass it if your relay goes by the roadside.

They did for me several years ago :lol: mind you it was just to get me 4 miles down the road and he insisted upon following me so he could remove the bypass when I got home. I was aware of the danger, but the only other option was him dragging my car around with one of those stupid bars :roll:

1981 1600 GTI (coming to a road near you soon…)

1983 1100 C


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yeah ive also had the stpud bar thing too, and it ruined my bumper and towing hook lol. i didnt want to get aa as i think im running out of tries with them lol, i know theres a "fair use policy" ive hard of people being refused before.
well its almost sorted now anyway so cant wait.

Simon R - YouTube

MGH 178Y - 16v - Gone :(

KHJ 888Y - Gone
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