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Applying exhaust wrap?


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Applying exhaust wrap?

Hey all

I bought THIS from eBay only I didn't get the one with the HT paint.

I'm going to be using it on the downpipe part of a 16v Superpsrint conversion exhaust to stop the heat from melting the steering gaitor.

I've tried searching the forums and google but have come up with no answers and was wondering if anyone has any experience of using this stuff and how to apply it? my brother mentioned something about getting it wet first so it goes hard on the ehxaust?




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Apply it as you would a broken bone bandage ! start one end wrap and fix using stainless wire or stainless tie raps and away you go .

Keep it very tight and every 10cm apply another clip till you get to the end then apply clip . Do that for every exhaust port -but keep it tight !
Cheers ………..

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