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AAARGH!NOT AGAIN!grief with vapour separater/fuel reservoir


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AAARGH!NOT AGAIN!grief with vapour separater/fuel reservoir

dear all once again have to beg for help

1 - no regular unleaded at pump so used  BP veron (?) or wtf its called.
2 - about 20 min later on underpass at wandsworth bridge coming UPHILL
     the car starts spluttering and dies.
3 - wait.start again and take it VERY easy and limp back homewards.all
     seems ok until get on UPHILL stretch of the A3 coming up to Tolworth
     when it dies again.


     this has happened before,and last time the RAC man bypassed the
     vapour seperator/fuel reservoir wtf it is called,and the car seemed
     to run sweet ?!?!

WHY??!?!?! :banghead:

   is the different fuel a coincidence?btw put in tenners worth.the second
   it acted up, limped along got to another garage and put in tenners
   worth of "normal" unleaded AND load of redex.the car has been
   converted for unleaded years ago.
   also could it be crap in the carb (Webber) ??!?
   if it IS that blasted seperator where does a body get one??!!? (i took
   it garage before - if thats all it is i'll do it myself this time)




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Doesn't sound like the vapour separator is at fault. It could be incorrect mixture, carb icing, or another fuel delivery problem, eg rust/dirt in the fuel tank and lines. Do you have an inline filter and what condition's it in?

PS The BP petrol shouldn't make a difference, unless maybe you filled with diesel?



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PS Who "converted" the car to unleaded??? All VWs from around 1970 have run on unleaded (GTIs need super unleaded).



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i dont think the fuel is just a coincidence

mine did exactly the same thing when I put BP Ultimate in it. Started jerking, cutting out, the works,

I basically just drove it rough until the fuel was out of the system! it was fine after that but it may be something more technical


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errrrrr…Paul-c :
the mate i bought it off ran it on  4 star for years,he
reckoned he then had had something done so it would run sweet on unleaded - i pull him up about it.
ive been with him IN it driving halfway round the moon to find 4 star only a few years back -
got a couple of inline filters which are clean as the proverbial whistle,fitted
after last time this very thing happened,which changing the seperator
seemed to stop?!?am going to try bypassing it tomorrow anyway when
can get hands on some fuel hose,unless this is a bad idea?

i HAVE messed up with diesel before,but deffo not this car,dont lorry drive
any more to get forgetful about what am at the garage in.

as all the other pumps were off i guess the tanks were empty,is it poss
the petrol that was on sale was full of crap as that tank almost empty?!

hmm.interested you had gried with the petrol AntF..

cheers both of you for quick posts.



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seperator update

inline filter chock full of muck when removed and examined in daylight.
that wont have been helping.have replaced it.
have bypassed seperator for time being will reconnect in couple days
see if problem recurrs.
how do i upload pics here?
tank probably full of crap,any simple tips to sort that one????

in case anyone else read the same thread as i did about not being able to
find those seperators new,yes you can,at german swedish.30 quid a pop though.


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Rust/dirt in the fuel system is a common problem on the Mk1 Golf, due to the metal fuel tank and the age of the cars. (Mk2s circumvented the issue, they have a plastic fuel tank). There are no simple ways to get round it, you need to remove the fuel tank to flush it out properly. Once you open the inspection cover, its easy enough to shine a torch in and take a good look. Also inspect the fuel filler neck. Depending on how bad (rusty) the tank is, it might be worth replacing it.



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cheers Paul.
may as well just replace @@@@@@@ petrol tank and be done with it -
otherwise can see this being a never-ending tale of  tedious woe.
any tips on where to get decent replacement?
thanks again


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Before you replace the tank and fuel lines (may save you a few quid in the long run) stick a magnet on a string inside the fuel tank' access under back seat. I did this when I had the same probs a couple of years ago with my cab. It now drives like a pocket rocket. If you look on the search there will be various threads about this . Hope this helps


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i run my clipper on super an it runs better than on normal stuff, better mpg too. well................................................. sometimes.

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Volksaction F


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cheers all will bear your posts in mind
car f@cked yet again,ball joint this time.i blame speed bumps round
Hook/Tolworth,there are some proper over-high evil ones,dont think
i drive at them like an have been

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