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Wiring fault, or alarm problem?


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Wiring fault, or alarm problem?

Hi Guys,

I was wondering if anyone could assist me. My 1995 Golf randomly switches itself off, but will restart when you turn the key again. I have an aftermarket alarm system in.

Other symptoms include:

When driving with the radio on and i hit the brakes, the radio switches off for a second. The same thing happens when i indicated left or right.

Sometimes the alarm won't switch on when i press the button and will randomly go off (not battery, i've checked)

any help will be much appreciated. i need my car urgently for work, so i can't be without it.

Any suggestions, please email me

Thanks in advance  :)


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sounds like earthing problems, have a look behind the fusebox for any loose or ropey wiring. could just be the alarm unit is slowly dying and causing random wiring issues

Hello my name is John and I'm a dub addict.

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thanks, i'll check that out tomorrow and let you know. :) hopefully it's something that simple :)


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check your battery terminals . your loosing the main feed, could also be a fault with the main relay, what car is it mk1 or 2 and what model?


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if it was battery, would the car start straight back up after? it's an mk1, 1995 Golf. It's the box one :)


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my moneys on a lose connection, prob on battery terminals, or as mentioned above the earthing side, after checking these check the fuel pump terminals,   the stereo is deff a lose conection, maybe the same 1, but sometimes isnt dissconnected for long enough for the the car to cut out, when checking look 4 black soot that indicates arking.

the old,,, leave it running with stereo on and go round wiggleing whatever cables u can reach is always a good start, i can work sometimes n saves alot of time chasing out power lines.
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