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Which Leads to buy?


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Which Leads to buy?

Hi i have some rather rubbish spark plug leads which keep dexiding to come off the plugs whilst driving! they dont seem to sit correctly on the plugs and are very easily pulled off. So i need to get some new ones, however not too sure which is the best to get, have looked at megaleads and twinspark leads which are pretty heavy duty performance leads which i like, though was wondering if anyone had a prefernce or a definate type that works best?


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Quantum leads every time, nothing fancy and does exactly what it says on the tin!



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i had the right leads all along! however i didnt realise that u are supposed to unscrew the bits of metal on the ends of the plugs themselves, this lets the leads sit in a lot deeper and very solidly! i had no idea! praise the the guy at camberly auto factors he the man!
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