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This is going to be one of the biggest posts in the world, and thanks to anyone who reads and understands my issue, and to those who attempt to help.

I have an 86 1.8  cabby, and am trying (in vein) to sort out the electrics in it.
The previous owner has had a field day, and there are random wires galore!
I even had a random live wire in the back of my rear demister switch, and a seperate switch put in the dash as a loive to the fuel pump as that too apparently stopped working!
here is my problem:
I have a small digital dial at the bottom of my clock, and there is no sign of life there, from reading other topics, i think this is the MFA, (what ever it is or does), but anyway, i cant get it to work.
I also can't get my lights to stay on, i have wired them up together, but when i pull the stork lever, they flash but won't stay on, oh and the indicators won't work.
any help greatly appreciated!

Tired and confused dan!

here for a good time, not a long time


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id start with changing the indicator stork this is the cause of most lighting problems

as for the fuel pump it should be wired through a relay if it isnt then i would try and get it sorted asap as your pump and wiring may burn out :wink:

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