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rotar arm removal


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rotar arm removal

Does the rotar arm just pull off from the distributer.




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yup :wink:


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When you put it back on do make sure you push it all the way down.
Sounds silly, but you think it's on when it's not on fully :wink:

Campaign Mk 1 Black

16v Mk2 Red (decsd )


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thanks, came off with a bit of brute force.


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izeko said

thanks, came off with a bit of brute force.

The arm often gets fairly stuck from being heated & cooled for years.
When putting it back, be sure to line up the index lug with the slot on the top of the spindle.

PS: On Audi 16v dizzy's (and VW one's?), the rotor arm is bonded to the spindle, and is not removeable, so don't try!


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PS: On Audi 16v dizzy's (and VW one's?), the rotor arm is bonded to the spindle, and is not removeable, so don't try!

That may be why I broke mine (16V KR) and had to Dremel it off the shaft then!  :banghead:



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I know the feeling - I snapped the rear part off my ACE* rotor arm, and had to re-attach it with super-glue  8O

Luckily (or should that be unluckily), the hall-sender failed a few months later, so I had to change the whole distributor  :banghead:

*Audi 2.0 16v engine (still in my daily driver '93 Audi 80 Avant  :lol:  )
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