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Rev Counter


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Rev Counter

I ve changed my standard clocks from the golf N to a set of Golf GTi ones. (Series 1). The plug on the back is identical. Everything else works fine except for the rev counter. Obviously the last clocks didn t have a rev counter and these have, however all the electrical connections are the same. So surely simply plugging it in should work. Does anyone know what colour wires on the plug control the rev counter? There is ten wires on the plug. I had an external rev counter fitted before so the two wires from the coil are still there, can i just connect them into the wires on the ten pin plug that control the rev counter? Whatever colour ones they are that is!!   :dontknow:


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Look on your old clocks and see which of the connector pins have no wires going to them. If the rev counter is the only difference then "hey presto…"

Also for your second question, I dont see why not. All rev counters tend to work the same and just require the coil wires. Can you not trace the connections back through the PCB?

I have never seen the back of a Mk1 Clock set so am just guessing by the way.


Far too many toys…

…and a big smiley face!! :D
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