Oil warning buzzer
(In Topic #110155)
Settling In

Oil warning buzzer
Ive read through Chudds informative thread about the oil pressure warning system works and i now have a better understanding of it, so cheers for that Chudd

I've come to the conclusion that my problem lies within the 'L' shaped piece at the back of my speedo. I replaced my sensors yesterday and carried out a couple of wiring repairs while i was in there

Whoever had the car before me decided it would be a good idea to join wires together using block connectors :roll: so ive replaced them with new wiring and fitted new spade connectors. I also found a loose brown wire just hanging not attatched to anything and i assumed that was an earth wire so i attatched it to my rocker cover…. is this correct?
My question is, can i use the "L" shaped part of the speedo clock from any VW car upto 1990 or does it have to be specific models. Ive been offered the clocks from a mk2 Polo breadvan but not entirely sure if they will work.
Also, can anyone please give me instructions on how to replace the part once i actually source one.
Thanks in advance
Settling In

Im now thinking that this is possibly the earth strap that everyone keeps talking about and i should be attatching it to the right rear rocker cover bolt.
However, i always thought earth straps should be quite thick, this was just a thin brown wire not secured to anything.
Can anyone shed any light on this please
Local Hero

Im now thinking that this is possibly the earth strap that everyone keeps talking about and i should be attatching it to the right rear rocker cover bolt.
However, i always thought earth straps should be quite thick, this was just a thin brown wire not secured to anything.
Can anyone shed any light on this please
Sounds like the clocks earth , it's a small wire .
As for the clocks L piece you need what ever matches your clocks eg Motometer , Vdo etc . I have never known one to go faulty though ? Its always been senders or wiring at fault . But could also indicate engine problems , so should be checked .
Settling In

Gonna fit them straight in and see if the oil warning buzzer continues to sound. If it doesnt, im going to swap the 'L' shaped boards from these clocks onto my own.
If replaced the high pressure and low pressure sensors so i cant think what else it would be. (other then fault with oil pump)
Im hopefully getting my VDO gauges wired in this weekend so i'll be able to see whats happening with my oil pressure.
Settling In

From cold with pressure tester in low pressure switch port on side of cylinder head.
4.5 @ idle
6 @ 2k revs
From cold with pressure tester in high pressure switch port on top of oil filter housing
5.5 @ idle
6 @ 2k revs
I am assuming that these figures are normal considering the amount oil pressure thats showing on the gauge…..
Settling In

Gauge plugged into high pressure switch on top of oil filter housing -
2bar @ idle
4bar @ 2k revs
Gauge plugged in low pressure switch on side of cylinder head
1.8bar @ idle
4bar @ 2k revs
I assume that these figures are normal are there is no problem with my oil pump…… :dontknow:
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