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No hazard here!


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No hazard here!


I have lost my hazard warning lights on my 83 mk1 C the indicators work fine, and the fues seems to be ok, is there a seperate relay for the hazards?

also my horn is very quiet, and the dash lights dim when i try it, any ideas what could be causing this?




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Check all your earths for the dimming. Could be the relay or the switch for the hazzards I suppose.

Megasquirted 1981 Silver 1600 GTI Daily Driver

Still Restoring...


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Yup had to change the switch when mine didnt work, i only had one  front side and one rear on the hazards working. ! hope it helps



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yeah i think i need to check all the rearths on the car, i seem to get a lot of diming.

a nice job fortoday!




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does sound like an earth problem there. the most common one is the one in the boot on the floor by the nearside (passenger) rear light cluster. hazards may be the relay but it's worth doing the earths too.


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ok well i managed to get the horn working, was the earth on the steering rack.

but the haxards are just weird, when the ignition is off but the hazard switch is on, nothing happens, but if i put the indicator on for each side, the corisponding side flashes, but only that side.

which relay works teh haxard, and is it the same one that works the indicators?




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could be your hazzard warning switch.

Mk1 2l TSR G60.  .getting. There twice as fast

Mk1 lhd diesel…….getting. There for half the cost


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yeah i think thsts what is it, i think im going to go an pach one from my mates mk1 ;)


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and its fixed. when i went to poach my mates hasard, it split open in the same way that mine did when i was swaping the dash surround, only this time i noticed the 3 springs, i had a look on the floor of my car and loa n behold there they were, so i refitted them and asif by magic my hazards were working :)

happy days.

Thanks for the help, now all i have to do is fix that bloody exhaust rattle ;)

i think i'll book my mot now :D
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