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My Golf is playing silly blighters....


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My Golf is playing silly blighters....

Arrgghhhhhhh :banghead:  :banghead: …………..
Finally got the MK1 moveable in the garage so I can get it out by clearing all the stuff out the way and generally tidying up  8O  :?, jumped in a few days ago, plugged the battery on and tune dit over and   "click click click" the Clifford immobiliser was jumping which usually si a sign of a flat batetry (the voltmeter confirmed this) so whacked it on charge, anyway, plugged it all back together yesterday, and this is my problem - when I turn on the igntion all lights up fine, turn it on to start it and all the dash lights go off and the voltmeter drops to nothing and thats it, just like some-ones removed the battery. Checked the battery with a Voltmeter and its got 10.5v in it, cleaned the connections, cleaned the battery terinals and wires, cleaned the feed to the starter motor, next thing is to no doubt clean the main earth to the car formthe battery (got to get uner the car to get it off the gearbox though  :roll: ).
any other ideas or suggestions Guys - thought some-one else may have had simialr problem. My mate is coming down later with his battery from his MK1 to illiminate the battery completey out of the mix, and then next is to try and jump start it off another car to see what happens but wanted to know if anyone else has been thru this and find a quick fix.
Thoughts appreciated (but not the "you should have driven your car more often ones - had them already  :oops: )

Turbo Technics MK1 Golf GTI's - where are you ?


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what happens if you put ignition on and headlights and full beam?


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A fully charged battery should be showing @13v (each of the 6 cells is 2.2 volts, 13.2v in total). 10.2v mean battery?s FKD. :cry:

They don't like going flat and permanently loose some of their capacity if allowed to do so. Much better to use regularly or keep on trickle charge

1983 Mars Red 1.8 Golf GTI
1987 Alpine White 1.8 Clipper Cabriolet

The trouble with doing nothing is that you never know when you are finished.


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Thanks for the replies Guys.
If I put the lights on, or indicators, everything just all goes off,voltemeter goes to zero, MFA clock dissapears , all dash lights go off or really faint.

Yep agreed with the battery comment, perhaps I'll hang fire till the "spare Battery" turns up, althoguh I've stuck mine on a fast charge to give it a quick try again later this morning.

The weird thing about all of this, is that I feel SO BLOOMING GUTTED That it wouldn't start. In all these years this is the first time its ever done this. (felling like I've just lost my left arm if you kow what I mean  :dontknow:  :banghead:  :lol: )

Turbo Technics MK1 Golf GTI's - where are you ?


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Agree with Battery…

Car is fine, it is the battery (A replaceable necessity!) that is at fault!


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I agree in as much as batteries do not like being completely flattened but I have always managed to at least start a car with them once recharged.


1980 1600 GTI, daily driver.


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tallpete said

I agree in as much as batteries do not like being completely flattened but I have always managed to at least start a car with them once recharged. Peter.

yep, most of the time even with 9v in the battery it will turn over slightly so wondering if ti just is so knwackered that athough it has voltage that as soon as I try and draw current from it it just can;t handle it (if that makes sense  :? )  Also gonna nip out in a mo' and stick a jump lead from the Earth poll of the battery to the Strut top mount bolt to see if the main earth strap is the cause of the problem. Process of illimination by the looks of things.

Only other suggesiton I've had is that perhaps the starter motor is stuck (the solenoid) and draws the current but can't do anyhting. Favourite tool is on the way out - The Hammer to give a few things a *WHACK*….. let you know what happens (please please God, let it start !!)

Turbo Technics MK1 Golf GTI's - where are you ?


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The Car IS ALIVE. After 12 months of it being buried behind boxes when we moved, plugged on my mates battery form his mk1 and turned it over a few times and it fired into Life. Let it run for 20 mins, fan cut in and out and all seems well with it. Little bit of black formt he exhaust when you rev it hard but thats hopefully just from the exhaust internally as its not wet or oily. Now just hope the Turbo is spinning up freely, and to take it for a MOT then its in use again.

I'm like a Kid with a New Toy, as Chris said "Jesus Calm Down, your gonna ruine the seats"  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

thanks to all for the suggestions, much appreciated. (Can;t wait now - might even get it to a Club meet !!  :wink: )

Turbo Technics MK1 Golf GTI's - where are you ?
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